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Today is one busy day here in this fucking place. every person is cooking or cleaning and there is me who is doing nothing but staring at people yelling and rummaging through cabinets.

"I need more Mac an cheese!" An man yelled and an an smaller dude who had his face covered gave him an box of Mac and the dude snatched it from him and pushed him out the kitchen.

The unknown man faced an wall and stood there. Something about him screams familiar so I walked to him. I heard his loud breaths meaning he was crying or close to it.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he stopped and slowly turned towards me with an bruised face bit under that bruised face was my best friend, my only friend, Christopher.

"Chris?" I said in disbelief that he was in front of me and he nod his head and I couldn't help but hug him and what made me stop was him wincing.

"What did they do to you?" I asked and he opened his mouth and closed it before crying and I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the basement. I made sure no one was in there and I sat him down on my bed with me next to him and he licked his cut lip and let out an shaky breath.

"After he took you the very next day they came back and they beat me and dad and said that we had to repay Dean for what we did and that was through death or me coming back so of course I am an pussy and picked here but every single night Dean came and he would punch me and spit in me and now I wish I picked death honestly." He said and I am now pissed.

"He won't beat you anymore." I said as I grab his hand and he at me beyond confused and and I kissed his cheek.

"You can hide in here and he will never know, when I'm gone you can sleep and when you start to heal I can tell you what I've been planning and we will permanently leave this place." I said to him and he looked a little unsure but I grabbed his face and looked deep into his beautiful blue but lifeless eyes.

"We will make it." I said and he nod his head and I saw that his eyes are droopy so I got up and laid him down and covered him up. He weakly smiled at me and his eyes closed and his breathing became slow and steady. I kissed his forehead and walked upstairs making sure I shut off the light and I walked out.

"There you fucking are!" I jumped and saw it was Dean and I mentally rolled my eyes. He glared at me and tapped his foot and I just stood there.

"Fucking explain why I left you on an chair and you fucking leave it!" I quickly thought if all the possible explanations and I finally picked an reasonable one.

"One of the chefs said that I was bothering them with my ugly face so I just left instead of fighting because I don't want to upset you, sir." He squinted his eyes at me and I kept up my facade and he nod his head and grabbed my arm.

"Stay in my room and don't move, I'll be close by so do not fucking try me Jennifer or I fucking promise you I will give you the worse spanking in history." He harshly whispered in my ear as we walk the stairs.

He unlocks his door and pushes me to the wall and he left and I slid down and slowly drift to sleep.


Dean's POV...

I left my room where my peasant was and I walked downstairs to join my family and our close friends and family at the table.

"There's my boy!" My dad yells and I nod at the people that smiled at me and wink at the ladies. As I take a seat which was on the right hand side I immediately became hungry.

"Well, let's began our feast!" My dad said as he reached for the mash potatoes and my grandmother hissed at him and he retrieve his hand from it and onto his lap. She shook her head at him and smiled at the rest of our guests.

"We must say what we are thankful for since this is indeed thanksgiving." She said and her old sweet lady voice could make you forget that she just hissed at her son but for me I never forget the little things.

Everyone started to list off what they where thankful for and most were how they are thankful for being white,rich,pretty,athletic, and some are kiss ups and said how thankful they are that my dad rules over them even tho they would love the power he has.

I was so caught up on these assholes and their shitty ways of being thankful that I didn't know it was my turn and that my grandmother was yelling my name.

"Dean!" She yelled one more time and I snapped my eyes to her and winced when I saw her teeth almost flying out her mouth. "What?" I said annoyed and she glared at me and I let out an sigh and thought about what I was thankful for.

I mean everyone already listed everything that I am thankful for because I'm white,handsome,rich, and I'm gonna be the next top dog when my dad retires. The only thing I can say I'm not is athletic because anything to do with sports I suck unless its an car involved.

My mind soon drift off to my peasant and how she finally is acting right and how she keeps me on my toes every fucking second but I guess she is my practice for now until I get in the big job in running the world. So I guess she is the only thing I have that guys my age don't have unless it is for babysitting their children.

"I'm thankful for having an slave."


Dam!!! What type of thanksgiving is that?? Anyway, I hope you enjoy and please comment,vote,share, add to your reading lists, and follow me because I follow back!!!

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