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Jennifer's POV...

"Put on the dress, he doesn't like to wait." The old smelly woman demanded, I refuse to have my ass with a man who doesn't know the definition of a fucking shower.

"I am covered with blood, how in the fuck am I suppose to not mess up the fucking dress!" I snapped but she didn't flinch, she must be use to the shit. She shook her head and stood up, I am not afraid to hit her so she better sit her ass down.

"Do you know how lucky you are to have caught the eye of Kelo, every girl is in much danger because he has eyes for you, one look at him after this ceremony and they will be beheaded!" She said and I noticed that tears were forming in her eyes. I didn't ask to be kidnapped and force to marry this idiot.

"Please put on the dress, if you don't I failed him and I will be hurt." She said and tears escaped her eyes before she sat back down in her chair and she covered her face. I don't want to marry Kelo, but I don't want anyone hurt under my name so I guess I should make a decision and hopefully it is the right one.

"Then we should hurry and put the dress on before I am late to my wedding, let's make Kelo happy." I said and she looked up from her hands and a big sharp and yellow teeth smile appeared on her face. I am fucked for life.

Dean's POV....

That is light, why in the fuck is there light in the middle of the forest. Who in the fuck would even dare be all alone out here with all of these fucking wild animals? Could it be Jennifer? I'm gonna beat the shit out of her for putting me through this, all she had to fucking do is to obey my rules! Makes the shit seem like it is too hard for her to understand.

"We are going to go towards it." I command and I heard two gulps and that was a sign of these pussy's thoughts on going. I really don't care about their opinions about me doing all of this to find Jennifer, I told her that she will not leave me without torture and after this experience she is going to go to hell and back.

"Should we bring some weapons or leave empty handed?" One of guards said and I swear he was dropped as a baby because it is an fucking no brainer that you should bring weapons. Patience is running low and I can't seem to think without Jennifer's smart ass mouth crossing my mind, I don't like it at all.

"What the fuck do you think?!?" I snapped and he hopped out of the car and I felt the cold breeze hit my neck, letting me know that he is getting the weapons out of the truck. My eyes are still glued to the lit area that my slave probably created.

"Let's go catch a slave boys!" I said opening the door and hopping out, I can already see myself torturing her and giving her something to be haunted by. Hands are tingly and that means that I am already prepared to kick her ass all the colors of the rainbow, she will regret running from me, this time I will not be so easy on her.

We started walking deeper into the woods and of course the smell of smoke filled my senses. There was another smell that was around and it is beyond foul, it smells like death. The sound of people chanting made us run to a bush and hide, there are people living in the woods? I've never thought that people would go to the extreme to live in a unsanitary place.

"We need to see what's going on, I'm gonna take a peek." I told them and they nod their heads and held their guns tight, I slowly rise my head and my eyes widen at the scenery. There is about one hundred people sitting in chairs around the fire and they weren't too close but it is just odd to consume all of the smoke.

"Mm mm amawa bumpawa kesqua benlo!" They all chanted and I have never heard of this language, my father had so much slaves from different cultures and I know what every language sounds like, this is not any of them.

"Rise for Kelo!" Someone yelled and I see that they speak english as well. Everyone stands up and I took time to look at their appearance, the men had no shirts on and they had stuff all over their body, it looks like paint but it is still glistening. Paint usually dries up, they had on hats that looked like a head of an animal, my o servtion of the people were interrupted by an tall figure walking into the middle with an toothless smile.

"Today, I will marry my bride to be, this means that I am no longer available for women to crave." He said and I want to laugh because they will have to be beyond desperate if they crave this man. He is built like an noodle and his voice sounds like he is taking his last breath.

"She is all mine, if I see anyone giving her any eyes or touching any part of her body without my consent, I will slice you up into pieces and throw you into fire for our next meal!" He said pointing at the fire and I curl my lip at his threat of him eating the person. I've said some pretty fucked up shit and did fucked up shit, but I have never went as far as saying that I was going to serve you as a protein bar to eat.

"Ah, my bloody beauty is here." He said and you can hear the lust in his voice, I look around for his 'bloody beauty' and I don't see shit. Then, I see a figure that looks drenched in that weird paint. The person had a veil covering the face and I knew that this person was the guy's 'bloody beauty'.

"You look magnificent, I bet you taste that way as well." He said and I was getting bored until he lifted the veil up and exposed the person underneath.



Sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy!!!😘

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