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Everyone is downstairs yelling and laughing. I am in an fucking costume freezing my ass off and I have no blanket and Dean turned something on to make the room cold and that is just fucked up.

It's dark since it is night and he locked the door and did something to the light switch so I can't turn on the light. And speaking of the dark and shit, my bones ache and I just want to sleep but in my condition it is fucking impossible and that is fucked up since I am sitting on the fucking bed.

"Fucking pussy." I whispered and I let out an loud sigh. My life is so fucked up and twisted and sometimes I wonder why Trump picked me? If women are basically useless and they don't need them for nothing but sex, then why don't they use their own fucking kind? All of this shit isn't adding up.

"Fuck any race that isn't white!" I heard people cheering and I honestly that made me want to jump out an fucking window. Wait, what the fuck did you say? I squinted at the darkness trying to remember what I said in my head and I started to replay my words.

"Oh, I fucking see!" I whispered shouted and the inner me smirked. 'You need to jump out the fucking window and escape, it's been awhile and he won't be expecting your ass to do it so catch him off guard.' I was really digging the idea but then another part of me had me in deep thought.

'Think of the punishments he will have for you when he finds you, you should wait a little longer or better yet just suck it up and do your job because he won't let you leave.' She did have a point but even if she had a point I didn't like the fact that she expects me to not want to go back home with my mom.

'Bullshit, you have every right and this time you can make sure that he can never find you and he would eventually get tired of looking for you and you can start fresh.' I really like this idea because if I leave and he can't find me, he will eventually give up and get an new girl.

'Are you really buying that? If I remember clearly, when you ran away with Chris the first day he was looking for you and the day he found you was the day he gave up! And let's be real here, you hiding from an person who can tear this whole state or states brick by brick just find you and give you what he thinks you deserve? Yeah you are out of your mind!

Well dam, she is right about all of that and I am surprised I didn't think of that shit. If he was looking for me as long as I was with Chris and dad and even got physical with them to spill where I was, then what makes me think he won't hurt people to find me? If he is as crazy as I think he is then he would go to the island and hurt everyone, including mom.

'Finally you see my reason-' my determined side cut her off with an angry tone. 'Shut the fuck up, you are basically telling her to bow down to an fucking white man who belongs to the fucking asshole who took her away from her mom and if you wanna keep it a hundred, she is us and her mom his our fucking mom!'

I nod my head in agreement because everything that she listed is right. She didn't respond and I don't think she will because I felt my thinking side shut down and my determine side started taking over and I haven't felt like this in an while so I am enjoying every second.

Well, all I need to do is feel around the room for an window. I swung my legs to the side of the bed and stood up and the floor was freezing but I ignored it and raised my arms in front of me and went straight. Once I touched the wall I turned an left and I lowered my hand just in case there was some type of little door or something can give me another idea to think of for an escape.

I felt nothing and was close to giving up but my hands touched something that felt weird. I pat it softly just in case it is an animal but it didn't move or make an sound. I put my hand by the object again but this time I wrapped my hand around it and my heart dropped when I hear an grunt.

"Don't worry peasant, I won't punish you so bad since another part of you told you not to try to escape but I am quite disappointed that you decide to go with miss determine or what I prefer to call her which is ms. Defiance." I froze because I didn't know that I was saying everything out loud and my honest question is, how in the fuck did he get in here without me noticing?

"H-how did y-you get in here?" I said straightening out my quivering. He chuckled but I didn't hear any trace of humor in it and I can hear my 'I told you so' side yell at my determine side who isn't saying shit and I swear I am going to kill that bitch.

"That is none of your business, I think it's hilarious when you swear but I don't remember me stating that you could do it." He said and the part of me that I like to hide with the brave part of me was coming out and I didn't like the way she was taking it.

"Please don't punish me, it was just a thought and I knew it wasn't possible I mean like you said I'm not smart I just think things but I wouldn't all the way act on it." The fact that I couldn't see him is what scared me but I just noticed that I am still grabbing him so I let go but that wasn't an bright move.

"Oh no you don't." He whispered and he was right by my ear and I smelled alcohol on his breath. I knew that meant that I was fucked so I decided to make a run for it. before I can runaway he picked me up and I screamed before air was knocked out of me as I hit the bed.

He got on top of me and I started to swing my hands but I felt pain on the right side of my face. He smacked me so hard that I started to see my mom waving at me.

"Mommy." Was the last thing I said before I felt my clothes being ripped off and I knew what was about to happen so before I passed out I told him one last sentence.

"Use a condom because I don't need an fucking STD."


Daaaaammmm!!! I know it's passed Christmas and shit but in the story it isn't so chill....

I hope you enjoyed and I'll see y'all again😘😘

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