Chapter two

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I spent the entire night looking for Ballen.Which is an impossible task judging by how big the campus was.

I guess maybe I could have found her if I looked hard enough,but I was tired and I had an entire day of orientation to prepare for.

A little past eight , Bellan came back to our room and she made it extremely clear that I needed to get another roommate.

That just added more plans to my busy schedule.

But I have to get another roommate, she's way too afraid of Stitch to stay in the same room as me.To add on to her hateful attitude she threatened to tell the college that I had a pet with me.

Stitch is not a pet.

After making up a stupid excuse for why I desperately needed to switch rooms to the head administrator ,she finally gave me another room, and I had the liberty of getting another  room mate.

Packing up my things took more time than I anticipated and  orientation had started twenty six minutes ago and I had only finished packing.

I left my bags in Ballan's room , with Stitch still in there of course.Then I sprinted to the field for orientation.

The cloudy dry weather of Versons was completely different to what I was used to in Hawaii.The dramatic weather changes made me contradict my clothing choice.So I decided to wear a warm sweater and shorts.

I ran towards the field and there was a huge stage set up and a few seniors had already started making speeches.

I tried my best to sneak into the crowd of freshman that sat on the grass,but my ability to sneak in sucks.

"Wow,wow ,wow" A senior said from on top of the stage. "Looks like we have our first late
newbie !" the black haired guy yelled through the speakers.

Oh shoot !

"Come on guys,bring her up here" he instructed the two other seniors in leatherman jackets.

They didn't hesitate to jump off the stage and come 'assist me ' onto the stage.

Mentally shooting myself,I decided to accept my fate.
I stood on the stage next to him and looked down at the crowed of freshman sitting on the grass.All their eyes fixed on me.This was one of the moments I wished I had Stitch by my side.

"What's your name shrimp"He asked moving the microphone towards my lips.

I moved a stray lock of my hair behind my ear and hesitantly spoke," Lilo."

"Well lulu, new shrimp like you are not allowed to be late,so what's Lili's punishment going to be guys?" He asked the group of senior standing next to us.

The crowed started to laugh and whispered among themselves.One of the female seniors whispered something into his ear.

"Turns out we're running out of time and cannot waste another second talking to Loberta over here" he said. "But that doesn't mean we're not going to tie you up."

The group of boys tackeld me to the ground.In under seven seconds I had rope tied up around my feet and arms.

I hate college already.

Everyone just watched and laughed as the seniors went on with the rest of the program.Not even bothering to help me up.

After fifteen minutes of sitting tied up in the front of the stage, they finally finished their welcome speech and started moving on with the rest of the program.

"You know what shrimp " the tall dark haired senior spoke to me again.This time there was no microphone and he knelt down infront of me making eye contact. "You are going to be my personal assistant for the rest of orientation" he said getting back up and walking away.

Lilo and BooOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant