Chapter Six

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I woke in complete shock,my heart racing . I was always a light sleeper , but as for Stitch he was fast asleep.

I looked around the room and the sound had stopped.I looked at my alarm clock and it was 02:55  and I could barely make out anything else in the room. I turned over to look at Boo and she had headphones on and was still asleep.

I must have been dreaming.

I laid back down and closed my eyes . Trying my best to fall asleep again.

Scratch ,  scratch .

I froze in bed , trying to keep my breathing steady as the noise increased.

One thing was certain , the scratches where definitely  coming from Boo's closet.

I turned around and faced her closet.

The door knob slowly turned , and there was a click .The old rusty closet door squeaked open , but only an inch . Revealing a shimmer of white and dusty indigo . The gas type substance seeped into the room.

"Stitch , Stitch wake up!" I whispered shaking him . He groaned and turned over .

"This is no time for you to be a deep sleeper !" I looked across the room . The gas getting closer .

Rotten Sugar!

I pulled his leg and forced him to wake up .

He woke up frantically and looked around the room .  " Ooo , shiny "  he said getting up from the bed.

"No come back here " I said jumping up and grabbing him.

"No," he whined getting out of my grip. In an instant he was on the ground and ran through the gas and towards the closet.He instantly pulled the wooden door open.

A flash of colour suddenly erupted into the room . The light was so bright that it partially blinded me , making me fall backwards . I could barely manage to see , but I saw a small blue figure move into the light of colours .

"Stitch no!" I yelled louder than my vocal chords could let me.

As Stitch moved deeper into the light a faint voice whispered, "Boo we-" the voiced echoed , but stopped when the closet door was closed shut. The sudden lack of colours made my vision blacken and there was a ringing sound in my ear so loud that I couldn't hear a thing Boo was saying to me.

She knelled down next to, softly shaking my shoulders.I could see her lips move but I couldn't make out what she was saying.

I held my head with my hands trying to find my centre of gravity.

"Don't-" I caught fragments of her speaking, "Don't worr-"
"Stay her-" she got up and turned on the lights and brought a glass of water.

"Lilo are you feeling bett-" her voice faded away a little,but I understood what she said. I nodded and took a sip of the water . The water instantly popped open my ears.

The first thing I thought of was Stitch . Where the hell is Stitch?

I put the glass of water next to me , quickly standing up and lunging towards her closet.

I opened it expecting the spectrum of lights to blind me again , but there was nothing.


I pulled the clothes back and searched the closet , there was no sign of anything . Almost as if it never happened.

And there was definitely no sign of Stitch.
"No , no , no !" I yelled , my voice cracking at the end .

"What happened to Stitch!" I yelled turning around to face Boo . "Why did the closet say your name !?"

No response .

"What the heck is going on Mary? !" I yelled .

"Calm down Lilo , please stop crying . " she said standing up , I took a step backwards not wanting to get closer to her.

I hadn't even realised I was crying until now .

"You better start explaining Mary , and you better get Stitch back here right now !"

"I hope you believe in monsters ." she whispered , and I gave her a dumbfounded look.

Lilo and BooTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon