Chapter Five

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I spent at least two hours cleaning up the water. I managed to salvage some of Boo's books from the water but her sketchpad was soaked. I placed it by the window in an attempt to dry the drawings that weren't ruined .

I had to give her credit though her drawings were so realistic , as if she had a real life version of these creators in front of her. The buildings she drew were hyper realistic, and unlike anything I'd ever seen before. She is talented.

"Stitch we have to have ground rules " I scolded, "I cant risk anyone finding out about you and telling the university.Otherwise both of us are going to be kicked out.''

"No fare," he pouted. "You never here and Stitch all alone with no friends"

I had to admit I felt bad for him, I know we are a family but moving here was harder for Stitch because he is so different .

"Don't say that stitch , I'm your friend and I'll always be here for you.I just have a lot to do right now but I know when things calm down I'll spend most of my time here anyway" I tried to cheer him up.


"Promise." I gave him a hug.

"Aww that was so adorable " Boo said from the door way.

"How long have you been standing there?" I laughed

"Long enough."

"Boo , I'm sorry your drawings got wet and I tried to salvage some'' I stood up , and showed her the remains of her sketchpad. She looked shocked but not as mad as I anticipated.

"Oh no, what happened." she frowned and held up a drawing.

"Stitch just took a bath and let the water run and your sketchpad was under the bed so it got soaked.''

she sighed but nodded , ''I understand , kinda sucks though."

"They are really good.'' I tried to cheer her up , "I've never met anyone who could draw so realistically , it's hard to believe that you just came up with those in your imagination.''

She gave me a small smile , as if a pleasant memory flashed into her mind.

''I can go buy you another one tomorrow ?"

"I would appreciate that Lilo, thank you.'' she smiled. ''And as for you stitch'' she turned around and glared at him , before a mischievous smirk rested on her face . ''You're going to pay for this!"she jumped to grab stitch and started viciously tickling him.

Lilo and BooOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant