Deidara and Sasori vs Gaara...AGAIN!!!!

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Hi guys hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!!!No more talk time to read so lets start...


Unknown voice-Dissperce!!!!Know this is going to be interesting...Jajajajajajajajajajaja!!!!!!!

Present and night time...

Boruto's POV

I was on my bed but I couldn't sleep something didn't let me so I was there battle ready but a little of guard so I could relax and suddenly I heard really fast footsteps and I stood up and went outside my room and I saw a man with yellow hair and a man that looked like a...puppet!?!?!?Then I started following them then I saw Sarada doing the same she saw me and she used a teleportation jutsu to get to me and the she asked me if I knew what was going on,of course I didn't know what was going on then we started running faster and they stopped at the hushikage's tower and killes two men that were guarding the entrence then before we entered the building the hushikage jumped out the window to another building next by then all the light beacon went on and the man with yellow hair was on top of a clay bird and the man with red hair was useing chakra threads and alot of puppets and then we knew what was going to happen...a fight!!!...

Deidara-Gaara nice to see you again...loose to my art once again!!!

Sasori-Deidara how many times have I told you do not underestimate your aponent!............

Gaara-What about you go back to the underworld were you belong!!!!!!

Then alot of sand made a giant hands and smashed them both together,Sarada and I went to renforce Gaara then he made 3 sand plataforms and I went to one and Sarada to the other,then Gaara told Sarada to activate her sharingan (she did she did and sne was temting to do it before he told her...)She looked at the sand hands and their was a lot of clay around then we saw a man with white body break a little bit the hands outside the sand seal then he backed away and the alot of clay shard with something purple liquid(thats what she told me) and then we heard Deidara's voice.....



Then Zetsu made a lot of clones and then I saw their clothes and their clothes were black and red clouds like a bloody-red color then Gaara told me that I was looking at the two Akastki members that kidnapped him before the fourth great ninja started then I felt something holding my foot and it was one of Zetsu's clones then I made a clone myself and destroyed it then I was disgusted for how slimy it felt and then I made 1,000 more clones and then Deidara said "Now your within range...kai!!!!!"and there was a tiny clay bird that exploted and then he saw clone smoke then he didn't see Zetsu or his clones and then he saw they were sealed away and then a giant hand (of sand,duh...)was about to catch him then a really fast black blur got him out the way and it was Zetsu!!! (Then that means we sealed away a clone...dammit!!!!)Then I made my Rasengan and Sarada combined it with the chidori and we went after them Zetsu started to freak out because their were four sandwalls and the only way out was the uncoverd ceiling then Deidara made a clay dragon (The one with wings... )and the dragon clay bomb went right for us but it missed and Deidara, Zetsu were flying away and from distance we saw Sasori took a grasslongsword and traspased Gaara's arm and then without asking he knew what Gaara was going to ask he told us that when he made the sand hand sealing jutsu Zetsu freed him,then Gaara smiled a little and then he turned into sand!!!!!And he placed on Sasori's back 50 paper bombs (that was Sarada told me...)And he exploted but he was reanimated so he's body was inmortal and then he disappeared in thin air...then we went on top of the Hushikage building and we all sat their of exsotion and I flet something like poison...I used alot of of my chakra then everything wentpitch black...(I think it was the poison...duh...)

Sarada's POV


I activated my sharingan and I saw he used a lot of chakra and passed out then the medical ninjas appeared and used medical ninjutsu but I already knew how to use medical ninjutsu and I was curing Boruto he was in need of it I wasn't really injured but I used a lot of chakra myself especially on my sharingan but I was alright then a medical ninja was curing me and their were two at the hushikage he did get hit by the bomb (on his face...not sarcasticly but really he did...)then I see Boruto waking up a little tears of joy came out of my face because in he's condition he would have woken up in 2 days (make sure next time you don't go overbord with the multi shadow clone jutsu and the rasengan or your not going to wake up in months!!!!!!!Boruto!!!!!)I wipped my tears away before he could see them,then he fully opened he's eyes and sat up he bumped in the left side of my forehead then he was passing his hand on his head then I super punched him (like Sakura does to Naruto in the Naruto and Naruto Shippuden series...)Then I screamed...

Sarada-Idiot!!!!Don't scare me like that...and second of all that hurts!!!!!!!!!!" Then he looked like he was falling into a dark hole then he screamed a little startled...

Boruto-S-s-sorry Sarada!!!And don't worry intil I don't become a powerful ninja like father I'm not gonna die!!! idiot...

Hi guys if you don't understand this chapter blaim wattpad it erased some stuff I tried to re right all that I did and also blaim me because I forgot to save it once... (sorry...)I hope you liked this chapter and 1050 words!!!!Thats a lot...See you later,Sayonara!!!!!

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