|◆ T h r e e ◇|

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       After glancing around for a brief moment, the blonde noticed an unfamiliar face, in which she guessed was her unexpected visitor. She sauntered towards the intimidating man, tapping him lightly on the shoulder. He hastily downed his fortieth shot of whiskey, glancing up at her with a clouded gaze, which shook off when he focused a bit. "Miss Heart?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow at her. "In the flesh." She presented herself exaggeratedly, gripping onto his toned hands and pulling him up from the wooden bar-stool. "Follow me, I don't like to talk out in the open." She whispered, tugging him out from the sea of people.

       "I need to speak with you." He grunted in response, as she tugged him in a certain direction. "Wasn't that obvious from the get-go?" She rose her eyebrow and let out a brief laugh. She then, led him into a dim room, with a single, solid crimson drape. She seated him in the lone ebony chair in the center of the room, hastily closing the curtain.

      'Oh what luck,' she thinks to herself. Taking a glimpse upward, she spots a blinking red light in the vertex of the walls, which meant that cameras were on. And also meant, she'd probably get in trouble if she didn't do what she was expected; guidelines. He stared at her blankly, his eyes showing no hint of emotion. "I'm Natsu Dragneel. And, I currently am in need your services." He exhaled as she caressed his cheek with the back of her palm. "What type of services, hmm?" Her eyes widen as a cheeky smirk finds it's way onto her lips.

      "Do I genuinely look like I want to fuck you right now?" He tilted his head and narrows his onyx green eyes. She gasped at his statement, only to blink and shake her head. "It depends. You could just have a really aggressive sex-face." She shrugged and he flinched to get out of the chair, only to sit back down. "Don't piss me off, Blondie. I'm warning you." He sighed and she clicked her tongue.

      "Puh-lease. Have you seen me when I'm angry? Fat ass old Pedro out there couldn't even say anything." She rolled her eyes and the man lunged out of his seat, snagging her collar. "Listen here, whore. I am the only person that you do not want to make angry. That you do not want to mess with. I will kill you and your fucking family in a heartbeat. Oh, right, all of your family's fucking dead." He whispered harshly, bringing tears to her eyes. "I know everything about you. Your weak spots, your 'hidden personality,' and even how many guys you've slept with. Fifty-seven in a span of two months. I can't say that I'm not ashamed." He sneered as she began to sniffle.

      "If you think I'm going to console you for being an uncontrollable nymphomaniac, you're wrong." He muttered, yet, loud and clear. "You know.." She whispered through somewhat encouraged sobs. "You know...just how dirty I really am, huh?..." She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her cloak, causing her nose to tint red. Natsu awkwardly reached into his pocket and handed her a packet of tissues, grimacing. "Thank you.." She blew her nose for a while and finally looked up at him, still sniffling. "I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry about it." She puckered her lips off to the side.

      "Don't apologize, it only irritates me." He clarified for her, to which she nods in response. "Now, getting down to business..." Natsu sighed as he looked at her vulnerable state. "I need you to help me catch a murderer." He shifted around in the chair, checking his golden watch in impatience.

      "And w-why do you n-need me?" Her voice broke throughout her sentence. "I need your specific...skillset." He responded, regretting his decision already, only five minutes into their conversation. Taking in a deep breath and mustering her character, she  "So, what's in it for me?" She asked, shrugging her shoulders and examining a nail that she believed that she'd chipped. He clenched his fists harshly, gripping onto the sides of her jaw, tightly holding her head in place."I'm not gonna say it again, Blondie,"He begins, leaning closer in to her face. "Do not, piss me, off." He spat, his onyx eyes filling with unmistakable malevolence.

      "I could really go find another useless prostitute out on the street, though none of them have been screwed as many times as you, so I doubt they have the charm." He insulted her, folding his arms across his chest. "Or the STDs." He rolled his onyx green eyes as she gave him a condescending glare. "Ever heard of condoms, dipshit?" She asked in a low tone.

      Annoyed, he pulled out the pistol which was hidden in his back-pocket. She inched away from him and he moved closer. "I was kidding!" She cried as he backed her into the corner. "Hey! Can we talk this out? I was just joking, come on!" He pressed the gun to her forehead as she wept, tears falling to the floor. He pulled the trigger.


      "So was I." He sat back down in his seat calmly. She panted heavily as she simply propped herself upward on the carpet in front of him. "This looks so lewd."He rested his palm on her scalp, before instantly pulling back. "Stop that." He growled at her. "Did you just..growl at me?" She asked within a giggle. "Do you find that funny?" He questioned, leaning closer to her face. "N-No sir." She recalled the few incidents from earlier.


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