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M  I  S  T  A  K E

  The blonde proceeds to gape at the smirking male, who seemed very nonchalant about the situation. No one had ever spoke to her in such a rude manner. Yes, she was a cheap whore nevertheless. But, he stated it in a way that only riled her anger.

  She hastily tugged his face towards hers and connected their lips. She ran her soft palms through the locks of his salmon hair, occasionally pulling at it. Their  tongues swirled against eachother in a fierce and passionate battle for dominance. After a quick moment, they broke away from the passionate make-out session, leaving a trail of saliva between the two of them.

  "Now, mister, I don't think any other cheap strippers can do that. Admit it, you definitely need me, more than I need you." She grinned mischievously, flipping her hair over her shoulder in delight. "Damn you." He grunted in irritation as she laughed victoriously, twirling the ending strands of her hair around her fingers. Her eyes averted down to his groin, where the tent in his boxers was growing. "You definitely can't say that I'm not great at what I do." She teased him playfully with a grin.

  "Ahem..Now that you agree with me, let's get down to business." She smirked, cracking her knuckles and leaning away from him. "How much are we talkin?" She inquired with a slight simper, examining her garnet red nails; again. "What?" He quirked his eyebrow in confusion. "Money, you silly! How much are we talking? You thought I'd do it for free?" She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose, crawling herself into his lap.

  "Ten million." He ran his hand through his spiky salmon hair, smirking deviously, knowing that there was no way that she'd turn that down; she's still a cheap stripper anyway. "TEN MILLION?!" She gasped dramatically, her honey brown orbs twinkling in sheer satisfaction. "Yeah." He cracked his knuckles, standing up wobbily.

  "I could buy a real house with that! Wait, no, maybe even two houses!" She wandered off to her imaginary dream land, circling around excitedly, while he just stared intently. "Only, if you complete the task." He added, tapping his fingers on the side of his thigh. "So Mister, you're seriously saying, all I have to do is help you snag a criminal and I get ten million?" She gaped again, her eyes widening. "It's not just, 'some criminal,' though. It's my brother." Natsu explained whilst she squealed like a giddy schoolgirl. "So what's up first on the agenda, Mister?" She asked, exhilarated about the endless possibilities.

  "Follow me." He grasped her hand, beginning to lead her out of the nightclub. Erza stopped them on their way out, resting her palm on Lu's shoulder. "What's going on?" Erza asked with a confused expression, wondering as to why Lu was leaving with such a man. "I'm quitting, Erza.." Lu whispers, much to Erza's dismay. "Quitting? How can you quit?! You love it here!" Tears brim in Erza's chocolate eyes as she stares at the blonde.

  "I'm sorry, Erza. I'll message you later." Lu embraces her best..only friend one more time, before walking out of the building she once called home. She remembered her first day so vividly, as if it was happening right then. Where she met her best friend for life. Erza had financial problems too, so she too had no choice but to work along with Lu.

  They became friends after a feudal confrontation considering the state of both of them. They were both daughters of rich businessmen, who'd recently disowned them for their behavior. That's how they got along.

   As problematic prostitutes with knacks for causing a scene.


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