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We sit at a table that was set up before us for everyone to gather and talk about the pressing matters of our current situation. "Alright team. Yesterday, the Ruby platoon has escaped from their bubble and took off on their Roaming Eye."

Jasper narrows her eyes as she speaks. "Look, those Rubies had a Diamond Communicator with them that has the power to do nothing other than contact the Diamond Authority! It is to be assumed that my current Diamond, Yellow Diamond, has been called upon."

She gets up from her chair. "Which is why we need to take action and prepare ourselves for the absolute worst. Amethyst?" She points at me. "Yes, Jasper?" She points at Bismuth. "You're going with Bismuth-"

"To the Forge! Amethyst, I know you like your whips. But the Diamonds have everything at their disposal that can easily wipe out any weapon. However, the toughest of weapons are the ones that are fabricated."

Bismuth abruptly gets up from her chair. "Are you serious right now?!"
Jasper glares over at Bismuth. "Jasper, Amethyst is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Just look at her. Does she not look like the most innocent of us Gems?!"

"Bismuth, you will take Amethyst to the Forge and you will make her a new weapon! This isn't up for debate!" Bismuth grits her teeth. "I won't do it!" Jasper summons her helmet. "" Bismuth folds her arms.

"But what if I were to refuse to your demand, General?" Jasper walks up to Bismuth. She grabs Bismuth by the chest of her apron and she sends her to the ground. I attempt to get up from my chair to see what's going on.
Eyeball puts her hand on my shoulder.

"I don't think you should do that."
"BISMUTH, YOU WILL BRING WILL BRING HER TO THE FORGE OR SO HELP ME, I WILL..." I cover my ears as I close my eyes. I see myself facing...Steven? Wait. What the heck just happened?

Steven, why are you in Rose's dress? What is-! I see flashes of myself getting hurt. I see a Pearl. And Eloc?! What is all of this?! This is too much!" I gasp as I open my eyes. I sit up and everyone stares at me.

I breathe heavily as I press a hand to my forehead. "Amethyst?" Jasper stares at me with Bismuth getting crushed in her arms. "You are going to the forge with her. However, since Bismuth won't take this job the easy way, I'm also coming with you guys."

Jasper lets go of Bismuth. She gets up from the ground, coughing. "Ugh! This is so ridiculous! How do you know she isn't the actual enemy here?" Jasper snaps her fingers. "That's enough. Don't worry, Amethyst." Jasper cracks her knuckles.

"I'll make sure she doesn't step out of line during our journey." I nod. "Alright." I get up from my chair. "Hey, Amethyst?" I look over to my left. Eyeball gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Please be careful." I smile to her. "Thanks, I will."

Jasper and Bismuth start walking away. I run to catch up with them. Jasper stops for a minute to look back at Lapis and Eyeball. "You two can go train. If you don't feel like doing that, you could at least talk to each other for a while. We'll be back before sundown."

She turns back to our destination. "Let's go." We start walking again and Bismuth clears her throat. "Shouldn't we uh ask Amethyst what she would like before we get over there? It will get things done a lot faster." Jasper shakes her head.

"No, Bismuth. Amethyst needs to be given the chance to check out all of the possible options before choosing her weapon."
"But, Jasper, Amethyst has been to the Forge before. Right, Amethyst?" I nod.

"To be honest, yes, but at the same time, I never actually checked out what's in store." Bismuth contemplates that for a moment as we keep walking. "Hmm...okay. I guess that makes sense."

"We're here, you two." Jasper steps onto the warp pad. She waits patiently as Bismuth steps up onto it next followed by myself. "Okay. To the Forge!" She chuckles. "Bismuth, let's go." She sighs before she warps us away to our destination.

Steven Universe: The Gem Cesarl: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now