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The plan is about to be set in motion. We reach the bottom floor and we turn to face the living room. Steven is patiently waiting on the couch, taking a sip out of a coffee mug. "Is he seriously drinking coffee right now?!"
"That's Rose for ya."

I step ahead of them. "Alright. Follow my lead." I motion them to do so and they follow me into the living room. Steven takes another sip before he carefully sets the mug back down onto the table. "Is Ruby and Sapphire here, Amethyst?"

"Show them to me."
I step aside to reveal the two Gems.
"Well then..." He claps his hands twice. "That will be all."
I raise an eyebrow. "What?"
Steven raises his own eyebrow. "What do you mean what?"

Sapphire turns to me. "He wants you to leave us. Wait in the hallway." I nod. "Okay. Good luck." I step out of the room and I hide behind the wall in between the living room and the front door. "Ruby and Sapphire. My two..." He sniffs. "Precious angels of love. It's's been so long."

"Yes, it has been."
"It's so nice to see you guys again after all these years."
"It's nice to see you too, Rose."
There is a pause. "So you really are Rose, huh?"

"Yes, it appears that I am. Sapphire, can you explain to me how and why this happened?"
"Well...uh, Rose, it appears that...your concious has replaced Steven's and-!"
"Yes, yes. Of course. I heard the same story multiple times. I want to know why I was in the ocean."

" were with us...on a boat. A storm took reign over the ocean and the tides had risen over us all. You were with us and Amethyst when it happened. Steven wanted to help get the boat to safety. were carried away by the waves were gone."

"Huh. Okay. Then why was I bleeding and how did my mind replace my son's?" I wince. Oh geez. Another awkward pause. " were...
attacked by someone. A Gem. She was blue and she was...a Homeworld Gem. She beat you down and she sent you into the ocean before she could take you to her Diamond."

My jaw drops. "Do you know her name?"
"Her Lapis. Lapis Lazuli."
"Lapis...I heard that those Gems are terraformers. They are used to shape and transform planets to make them suitable for other Gems. Which is why they are very powerful."

Another pause. "And dangerous." I grit my teeth. "Where's her gem placed?"
"On her back."
" she's on Earth?"
"We need to find her."

"I just told you why!"
"But she only attacked because..."
"Because what? Because I'm Rose Quartz?!"
"Nothing, huh?"
I'm assuming that Ruby and Sapphire nodded on that. "Well then..."

He summons his sheild. "We're going to go find her. We're going to poof her and bubble her back in the temple and then...we're going harvest her."
I widen my eyes. "Rose, I think that's a bit too far now don't you think?"

"Excuse me?! I'm Rose Quartz! I formed the Crystal Gems and you shouldn't question me or any of my decisions!"
"I've made up my mind!" I hear his voice shaking. "We're going to hunt her down. Tomorrow."

"Yes, Rose."
"Good." There is a pause. "Now then, I want a nice, cooked meal. I'm tired and I want to get ready for the hunt. Who cooks the food?"
"Ruby generally does the cooking."
"Why don't you both try whipping something up together?"

"Well...I don't think that's such a good idea."
"Why not?"
"Oh! It's nothing! It's just that when it comes to cooking, we let ourselves do that alone so we don't mess each other up."

"Well I think you two should give it a try. Please, do it for each other. Maybe it could help you two understand each other enough to...forgive each other."
"Y-Yes. Of course, Rose."

"And uh about Amethyst, she's not really acting like herself. Maybe it's just me, but I think something's up with her. Just...please keep a close eye on her for me."
"We will."
"Thanks." I narrow my eyes as he claps his hands twice.

"That will be all." I ball my hands into fists as I turn to the door. I grab the doorknob and I turn it. I quickly open the door and I carefully close it on my way out. I step off the porch and I start rushing towards the barn.

Steven Universe: The Gem Cesarl: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now