Chapter 1: It's Genetic

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Kurt sat alone at lunch again, regretting not bringing his own lunch, he couldn't have potatoes, chocolate, the garlic and other spices in the sauce, or the eggplant that was in the ravioli. He just sat and poked at his food with his pale-painted nails, and soon was alerted by the scent of an unfamiliar person entering the cafeteria. A shorter, dark-haired boy approached him after noticing that he was sitting alone. Kurt pulled his beanie down some more as the guy sat down next to him. He felt his silver-gray ears twitch under the hat, the boy introduced himself as Blaine Anderson. He whimpered a bit and picked at the chocolate muffin some more before telling Blaine his name. "Kurt, Kurt Hummel." He said quietly. "Why aren't you eating your lunch, you gotta eat something." "I'm... I'm allergic, I got the dates mixed up and thought that today was burger day." Karofsky swept past them, "Get a new toy, Foxy?" He snickered. "Foxy?" Blaine asked, sounding relatively pissed off. "I dunno, everyone just calls me that cause of- really, I just don't know why, I mean, I can't help how I am, it's genetic." Yet another person he's had to lie to in the first five minutes. All of a sudden, his ears perked up and he smelled his favorite food, dried pork. He had to press down on his beanie to hide the little bumps of his ears trying to stand up straight. Kurt glanced around quickly, nose twitching, searching for the source of the smell. At last, he noticed that the smell was coming from Blaine's lunch. Kurt's hand immediately shot up to the side of his lunch box then quickly retracted, all the while Blaine watching him carefully, tracking his every move. He whimpered softly and slightly tilted his head, "C-C-C- Could I have some? I- I've barely eaten today..." Yes, Blaine, I haven't eaten much because we're all out of food I can actually eat, Kurt thought. "Yeah, sure, take as many as you want." Truly, he wanted to take all of the pork and eat it as fast as possible, but he wasn't so hungry that he'd take almost all of a potential friend's lunch. Blaine smiled sweetly and popped open the plastic container and slid it over to Kurt, who carefully took out slices of dried meat one by one and placing them on the empty section of his tray. "Thanks." He said before biting off half of a rind. "Welcome, that's what friends are for."


I have a friend?

Surely, he's not being serious.

But why would someone joke about that... Well...


I have a friend

The freak of McKinley has a friend.

Kurt had never really had a friend who hadn't been freaked out by what was kept under the sweater, the hat, the nail polish, and the teeth; the teeth that once almost disconnected someone's finger from their hand, the teeth that can draw blood with ease. "F- Friends? I've never really had a true friend before, I mean, yeah, I've had friends, but they've all ditched me." "Kurt, I'm so sorry." Blaine said sympathetically, rubbing his thumb over Kurt's hand. And... Wow, just wow, it wasn't even September yet and Kurt already felt like his fur was going to shine and his teeth were going to become razor blades again.

Kurt stepped into his room and immediately threw his hat onto the small couch and started stripping to change into his house clothes. God, it felt good to not have his tail curled up like that all day and his ears squished under that itchy hat. Once changed, he flopped on his back and pulled out his phone.


*Hey its Blaine

*Almlost forgot I had your number, text me when you can 😃

He waited a few seconds and finally texted back.

Kurt: Hey
Blaine: Hope this isn't too soon, but are you doing anything later?
Kurt: No, why?
Blaine: Wanna meet up at Breadstix?
Kurt: I guess so, when?
Blaine: In an hour?
Kurt: What should I wear? I've never really been on a date
Blaine: Just wear something comfy I dont judge
Kurt: Mkay guess ill be seeing you in an hour
Blaine: Same here 😃😄😃
Kurt: Bye
Blaine: Bai
Kurt: Bai indeed

Kurt switched off his phone and scoured his closet for something to wear. Finally deciding on some navy blue skinny jeans, an oversized gray sweatshirt, a gray, textured fedora with a black trim, and the one pair of comfortable black boots he owns.

"Hey." Kurt whined softly when he saw how adorable Blaine looked. "Hi." He responded, straightening his bright red bowtie. In the middle of dinner, Blaine accidentally touched Kurt's leg to his under the table as he was getting up, and Kurt could tell that his canines were slowly getting sharper and his fur more shiny and sleek.

Blaine drove Kurt home, as he had been dropped off by his dad who was now working late at the shop. Kurt invited Blaine inside and obviously he accepted, and the two slowly made their way down to Kurt's room, taking a few steps imbetween showing Blaine the overall layout of the first floor. When they finally set foot in the bedroom, Kurt made quick work of closing his closet doors so Blaine wouldn't see all the pants with cut-in tail holes. "I love your room!" He gushed spinning around in a circle to take it all in. When he turned away from him, Kurt immediately noticed that his jeans left little to the imagination and couldn't help but make a double whimper that Blaine took notice of. "That was adorable!" He cooed, turning back to gaze into Kurt's pale blue eyes, he noticed how embarrassed he looked. "Was I not supposed to hear that?" He asked, smirking a little and taking a step forwards. "I guess not." Kurt admitted, "I can't really help but whimper or whine sometimes. Most people think it's weird." "I think it's cute, really." He said nonchalantly, taking another few steps closer, "This might seem pushy or too soon, but would you wanna go out with me?" "I guess so... yeah, yeah, of course I would!" Blaine put a hand behind Kurt's neck and pulled him into a slow, gentle, kiss. After pulling away, he headed towards the stairs, "I gotta go home, sorry, bye, Kurt." "Bye."

Caged- A Klaine FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora