Chapter 4: Festa

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Kurt rolled over in bed, awakened by his custom text tone. He turned on his phone and felt like he was blinded by the brightness.

Amber: 1483. Now.

Kurt: Seriously Amber? Can I at least bring my boyfriend?

Amber: Is he one?

Kurt: No, but he knows about it. I showed him and he understands...

Kurt: Well kinda. Most of it.

Amber: Okay okay. But if Twitch is mad its not gonna be my fault, 'Korra.

Kurt: Is Carlos still messed up?

Amber: Yeah but Twitch is having him come he's just staying in the cell

Kurt: Please tell me hes not bringing  Zorra too. 😒

Amber: Zorra's coming but shell probly be with Perversi.


Amber: Wat?

Kurt: Is Rado coming?!

Amber: Yeah! You haven't seen him in forever! Get your skinny ass over here!

Kurt: Okay I'm coming I just gotta get Blaine!!!!

Kurt switched on the lamp and snatched what he liked to call his "Alley Clothes". Amber was always having him come to Sylver Festas at 2 or 3 in the morning. "God, how am I gonna get through the introductions?" Kurt mumbled as he sprinted up the stairs. Grabbing his dad's car keys and slipping on a trench coat, he swung open the door and shouted, "Festa with Amber!" Loudly into the house before slamming the door and sprinting down the driveway to the car.

Kurt swerved into Blaine's driveway and noticed there were no other cars, so he hopped up the front stairs and rang the doorbell repeatedly. "What the...? Kurt, why are you here?" Blaine answered the door groggily after a minute or two. "Put a shirt on and do your hair, were leaving in a few minutes. I'll make coffee." Blaine waved his hand in the air and stepped aside to let Kurt in. He slowly and reluctantly made his way back up to his room to get dressed, hoping he made a good choice in trusting Kurt.

When he came down, Blaine found Kurt sitting at the kitchen table, swiping something on his phone and sipping his coffee. "Drink quick. We gotta go soon, I can't miss Rado. Or Ozen, Twitch will kill me if I'm not there. First Festa in months." Blaine could have swore he was dreaming, his boyfriend seemed to be talking complete gibberish. "Where are we going, Kurt?" He asked quietly, taking a large gulp of his heavily-sweetened coffee. "A Festa, it's where Sylvers, people like me, have pretty much just  a huge party. It's fun just as long as you don't let Ajé near when he's drunk." "I'm assuming that Ajé is some lunatic?" "He's a tattoo artist, but he goes a little ink-crazy when he's had too much Skyn." "And what's Skyn?" "A mix drink that Sylvers seem to enjoy. I got some of the bad parts of being a Sylver, so I can't have it." "Is it like... S-I-L-V-E-R, or...? I dunno. My brain chooses not to function." "It's S-Y." "Who are all these people you've been talking about?" "A lot of Sylvers have nicknames depending on their personality, mine's Korra, short for Sentikorra, which means sensitive." "I could guess the definition." "Twitch is kinda like the leader of the Sylvers in Ohio.  There's Zorra, Sylver Torti, she's pretty much the slut to end all sluts. You'll be able to guess Carlos' nickname when you meet him. Mike and Mitchell are twin Sylver Siameses, we just call them Berdin. Lucie and Lucifer are the twin Hounds, Perversidad. Jamie's is easy to guess when you see her. Leopold is a Sylver Goat, Valiente. Alex and Levi are goats, too, Descarado and Ozen. And then there's Dominic, the only Sylver Raven in Ohio; nickname's Ajé." He paused for a second and took a deep breath, "Wow, I got that out in a single breath."

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