Chapter 2: Dog Days

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Kurt woke up early Saturday morning to the sound of his phone going off wildly. Truly, he just wanted it to shut up so he could curl up under the covers and sleep as long as he could. But in the end, he decided to pick it up just in case it was Blaine.

"Hey, Blaine."

"Did I call too early? You sound really tired."

"No, it's fine I usually sleep in when I can."

"Okay, good. My mom's thinking about getting a family pet and she wants me to go out to the shelter to see what's there."

"I don't do shelters."

"Awe, why?"

"Um... Allergies... I have bad allergies."

"Kurt, you don't have allergies, I noticed a ton of dog hair or something all over your carpet."

"Okay, okay, I don't have allergies, but if you drag me to that shelter I swear, there will be consequences. If you were here I would be giving you a bitch stare."

"Come on, I need someone to help me, and you're the first one I thought of."

"Okay, I'll come! But seriously, you'll be finding those consequences to not be very small."

"I could pick you up if you want, what's your address?"

"248 Birch River, when should I be ready to go?"

"It's about 9 right now, so in about an hour and a half?"

"Mkay, I'm gonna go eat. Bye."

"Bye, Kurt!"


Once again, he was being dragged into a situation he didn't want to be in because, come on, when you're like Kurt, after being with a family for so long it's hard not to do what someone wants you to; especially when that person is as hot as Blaine. In an attempt to stay in his house clothes longer, he decided to get dressed last and eat now, the smell of fried pork and eggs wafting through the house. "Come on, bud, breakfast's gonna get cold if you don't get up here!" Burt called from the kitchen. Kurt immediately hopped out of bed and sprinted up the stairs and almost fell face first after trying to not run into the couch.

Kurt sat down quickly and began to eat his pork and eggs, forgetting how thin his dad made the pork for a split second. "God, ow!" He cried out, dropping his food and running over to the sink to rinse the blood out of his mouth. "What's going on? It'not even September yet!" His dad asked. He didn't want to tell his dad that he had a boyfriend yet, because of course, he would freak out about letting anyone else know. Too many knew already, and most of them were now terrified to be anywhere near Kurt. His tail stopped twitching as he ripped a paper towel off the roll and held it in his mouth to help stop the bleeding. "You have to tell me, Kurt. I just wanna help." Kurt whimpered a little as he sat back down and moved his food around with his nails and realized that the nail polish was chipping, revealing small bits of the dark tan and black underneath. He groaned, his dad giving him that look, the look he knew Kurt couldn't help but answer to. "Ugh, okay! Dad, don't freak out, but I met this really nice boy named Blaine and that was who you dropped me off to see." "Kurt, I'm going to trust you, here. I don't want you to loose your first boyfriend because of what happened. Just promise me that you'll wait a while before telling him, if you even tell him at all. Make sure he's a keeper before that hat comes off." Burt gestured to Kurt's head, even though he wasn't wearing a hat at the moment. "I promise." He groaned. "He seems different, I really hope he is. But these frickin teeth are going to be the death of me." "I usually wouldn't tell you this about anyone, but I can't have you hurting yourself every time you eat. Just... Kiss him some more, you have a small chance of hurting him, but a big chance of them dulling a bit." Kurt drank the last of his ice water and stood up to get ready. "One more thing!" Burt stopped him halfway through the kitchen, "Try not to worry too much about your relationship for a while, it won't help your teeth... Oh, and this time you'll be getting some change in your nails." "Thanks, dad." "Any time, kiddo."

"I have a question." Blaine began, starting the car. "Hmm?" "How do you manage to look so adorable all the time?" "I dunno, maybe it's in my genes." He kidded, buckling his seatbelt. "One more thing before we start driving," Kurt said, turning to face Blaine, "And that is?" Kurt put his hand on the back of Blaine's neck and pulled him into a more passionate kiss. Blaine was obviously smiling against his lips. When Kurt pulled away, Blaine put the car in drive and started down the road. "Even more adorable." He said quietly.

When they arrived at the animal shelter, Kurt's ears were already pricked and his tail was tense against his back. "What are we looking for?" Kurt asked worriedly, hoping it wouldn't be cats. "I really don't know, anything you wanna look at especially while we're here?" "I'm more comfortable around birds than anything else." "Noted."

Kurt's tail tensed even more, if that was even possible, when Blaine opened the door to the room of larger dogs. He tried to stay calm but lost it when the first one started barking, putting the entire room into a barking riot. Kurt whined and whimpered loudly, but Blaine had no idea why. All of a sudden, the largest canine in the room lunged towards Kurt in the cage, scaring him more than half to death. Quickly spotting a pile of boxes, Kurt scrambled up to the top and curled in the fetal position against the wall and began to cry as the animals faced their barking and snarling at him. Blaine tried to coax him down, but he wouldn't move from the spot. His face was red and blotchy, his eyes red and watery, tears rolling down his cheeks like waterfalls. "B-Blaine, don't let them get me, please, I d-d-d-don't w-w-wanna die. They'll k-kill me if I g-g-get c-close." Blaine outstretched his arms to Kurt who had cornered himself in a ball, having to lean forward to not touch the ceiling. Kurt couldn't help it, he was crying and whimpering and whining, Blaine was doing his best to calm him down and get him down from the stack of crates. "Shhhhhhh, Kurt. It's gonna be okay, I won't let them hurt you, I got you." After a few minutes, Kurt was still scared to death, but he finally let Blaine help him down. "I got you, don't worry, come'ere." Blaine said soothingly, arms still outstretched, waiting to hold Kurt. "D-don't let them g-g-g-get me." He whimpered again, inching on his knees to the edge of the crate he was on and Blaine stood on his tip toes to get closer to him. "I'll catch you, don't worry." He told him reassuringly. Kurt threw his legs over the side of the box reluctantly, and slowly let gravity do the rest until he felt Blaine's hands against his side, holding him tight and helping him to the ground. Kurt kept his head down and was now inhaling rapidly, still terrified. "Shhhhh, it's okay, I'm here, I won't let them get you." Blaine soothed, rubbing circles on Kurt's back as he walked him out of the canine room and out of the shelter entirely. "K-k-karma's a b-bitch." Kurt joked between heavy breaths, still crying. "Yeah, I guess it is." Blaine agreed, picking Kurt off the ground and sitting him down on the hood of his rusty red pickup, joining him after grabbing a box of tissues from the glove box and handing them to him.

Kurt began to wipe away his tears, a new one escaping every now and then. "What happened in there?" Blaine asked lovingly. "It's... It's the way I s-smell. Dogs h-h-hate me because of my ph-ph-pheromones." "Kurt, you should've told me why you didn't really want to come with me, I wouldn't have made you come! I'm so sorry this all happened, it's my fault." Kurt wiped another tear away and turned to face Blaine, placing his hand over his, "It was not your fault, I k-k-knew you wanted me to come, and I tried to keep myself calm but then all t-this happened." "How about this, instead of you sitting here crying on the hood of my truck, we can go find some sappy movie to go cry over." Kurt gave him a weak smile, "I'd l-like that."

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