Festa *Part 2

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   ^Ill tell you when to play that^

"Wait, what's Twitch's first name?" Blaine asked Kurt as he shut the passenger side door, now more awake thanks to the coffee. Kurt looked both ways and pulled out of the driveway, "Nobody knows, he refuses to talk about his real name. Don't ask him about it, he's a total diva, I mean, I'm a diva but he's a lot worse. One time, we were at the Cheesecake Factory together, and he started yelling at the waiter for giving me the wrong soda." Blaine couldn't help but think that Twitch is Kurt's ex, and was then confused by the thoughts of how dating worked for Sylvers. "Is dating for Sylvers like... The same as normal people or is it different cause of species or whatever?" "It's basically the same, but if you're a gay Sylver, for some reason you're required to date regular people instead of other Sylvers. It makes no sense to me." Blaine elbowed him softly, "Hey, at least you met me." "Yeah, I am pretty lucky." Kurt's tail swayed back and forth and Blaine set his hand in a place where it would brush up against it with every swing. "I would avoid talking to any of the horses, not all of them, but most of them are either druggies or will punch you for wearing the wrong color socks. Trust me, I've been kicked." "Awe, baby!" Blaine gushed, tilting his head and furrowing his eyebrows slightly. Kurt couldn't help but blush, no one had ever called him baby and meant it. "Shit, Kurt! We have school tomorrow!" "Crap, I forgot! I'll try to get Twitch to let us out early!"

Kurt lead Blaine down an alley way and down a thin flight of stairs to a large, distressed green door with gold letters nailed to it;


Kurt pushed it open, straining his muscles to move the heavy, thick door.
Blaine was mesmerized by the sea of movement and motion in the smoky storage warehouse. There were at least a hundred different Sylvers in the mist, dancing, talking, singing, even brawling. A certain one caught his eye, a tall Sylver Goat with pure white hair just like Kurt's; he locked eyes with him and began hopping tables, the sound of his hooves slamming against the table muffled by the flurry of other noises.

Wait, he had hooves. Kurt didn't have paws...

"Ayy, 'Korra!" He shouted as he twisted his way through the last few people. "Twitch!" Kurt squealed as Twitch lifted him up in his arms and spun him around. Remembering Blaine, he set Kurt down softly and motioned to the shorter, unfamiliar boy. "Who's this? You have a boyfriend now?" Blaine flashed and awkward smile and sidestepped towards Kurt. "Yeah, this is my boyfriend, Blaine!" He had to shout to be heard over the commotion. He covered one ear and wrapped and arm around his boyfriend's shoulders, "Is the mic still working?!" Twitch nodded and began hopping tables and dodging Sylvers as he started back through the horde of partiers. "Come on!" Kurt screamed. He grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him onto a large metal table and began hopping from table to table, occasionally having to jerk Blaine to his side. Once arrived, Kurt helped Blaine onto a large wooden stage and tapped on the mic after turning it on. Another Sylver Fox, a white one, passed Kurt a shot glass as she swept through the crowd. He laughed loudly after drinking it, and leaned over to the mic, still holding Blsine's hand tightly. " 'Korra's back, everybody!" He said.

(Start playing that song now)

The crowd erupted into hollering and cheering and clapping. "This is my boyfriend, Blaine! We're gonna be singing some Panic At The Disco!" The crowd erupted even louder.

Kurt began to sing Girls/Girls/Boys and the crowd ate it up when Blaine joined in. The Sylvers were going crazy, dancing, taking shots, table dancing, singing along, you name it, they were having fun with it.

(You can keep listening if you want i just wanted to give you the feel of the song)

After they were done singing, the Fox that had handed Kurt the shot ushered them offstage and embraced Kurt in a tight hug, nuzzling him lovingly. After separating, Kurt introduced her. "This is my sister, Amber!" He yelled over the other Sylvers. "I didn't know you had a sister!" Amber butted in and wrapped an arm around Blaine's neck, "Well now you do! And just so you know, Kurt is like my child, and I swear, if you treat him wrong, I will kill you!" Kurt smiled uncomfortably, remembering when she was put in the cell for starting a milk brawl. "I'm gonna have to see Rado later! Blaine and I have school in the morning! Love you!" "Love you too, 'Korra! See you next month, boo!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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