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Days later Still in the hospital

The doctors - we took some tests and find that her kidneys are fine but

Rowan and Peyton - but what

The doctors - her lungs are bleeding

Rowan and Peyton - what

The doctors - yeah

Rowan and Peyton - OK what happens now

The doctors - we will go in and see what we can do that will help her

Rowan and Peyton - OK

The doctors - Reyton

Reyton - I know I know

Rowan and Peyton - hey baby girl

Reyton - I'm trying to be OK mommy daddy I am

Rowan and Peyton - we know

The doctors - now let's stop all of this

Reyton - OK mommy daddy

Rowan and Peyton - yeah

Reyton - I love you you know that

Rowan and Peyton - we know you you do 

Olivia - I love you too

Reyton - I know

The doctors - as you know we will take care of her

Rowan and Peyton - yeah

Rowan and Peyton kisses Reyton on the forehead sweetly

Reyton - mm mm mm

Olivia - No No No

Reyton - be good Olivia

Rowan and Peyton - that's our little girl

Rowan and Peyton get calls from their family

Rowan and Peyton - hello

All of them - how is she doing

Rowan and Peyton - her lungs are bleeding

All of them - what

Rowan and Peyton - yeah and they are going to go in and stop the bleeding

Rowan and Peyton - how does she feel about all of this happening to her again

Rowan and Peyton - she was sad when she first got here but we think she's a little better today

Rumor Has It Reyton By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now