90 Tennessee

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After settling the pey sab war Peyton is going  out of town again

Rowan - where too pey

Peyton looks at his wife cresses her cheek sweetly and softly as he did it

Peyton - Tennessee row

She misses him when he goes out of town

Rowan - how long will you be  gone

He kisses her sweetly

Peyton - usual 2 weeks then I'm back with my girls again

Rowan wraps her arms around her husband

Rowan  - we miss you already you know that don't you

Pressing his forehead to hers sweetly and lovingly happily she stays in the  moment between them  and she loves it

Peyton - I know  you do I'll be back before you know it I promise OK  rowboat

She kisses him back with love

Reyton and Olivia - you promise you'll be back before we know it daddy

He smiles at his daughters

Peyton - yes I do my girls

Hugging each other

Reyton and Olivia - good

Peyton can  hear the sound of their twins little  feet running

Piper and Paige - daddy

Running to him and he picks them up in his arms hugging his babies

Peyton - babies

Rowan smiles at the moment between them

Piper and Paige - daddy do you have to go

He nods his yes they are sad

Piper and Paige - oh

Big eyes sad faces are seen in front of him

Peyton - don't be sad daddy's coming back girls

They love him and he loves them

Piper and Paige - promise

Of course always he did

Peyton - mm mm be good for mommy I love you my girls I'll call when I land

He said before going out to the door

All of them - love you too

Peyton leaves they wave bye bye to  him not liking when he leaves to much for his out of town work

Rumor Has It Reyton By Quanisha Pool Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora