midnight part 2

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Peyton  and Rowan still on the phone

Peyton - I'll be home early

He didn't want Reyton scared

Rowan - OK  we love you pey

He smiles

Peyton - love you  row

Hanging up

Rowan - Rey baby girl

In her room she was  up nightlight  on

Reyton - mommy

She felt it

Rowan - daddy is OK

She shakes her head

Reyton - is he coming home soon  mommy

Rowan knew that the dream really scared her

Rowan - yes he is  baby girl he is

Peyton always came home from out of town work when  he said he would

Reyton - OK mommy  will you stay with me until I fall asleep please

She didn't have to  ask for that

Rowan - always love you Rey baby

She hugs her mommy

Reyton - love you too mommy

She didn't let go

Rowan - I got you shh it's  OK it's OK

What  brought the bad dream  Rowan  didn't  know but she will always  comfort  her baby girl

Reyton - No  bad dreams No bad dreams No bad dreams

Rowan  kept  the  nightlight  on in the room for Reyton

Rowan - bad dreams dreams go away stay away 

Rowan said so the dreams would  go away

Reyton - you're the best  mommy

Rowan smiles at her daughter

Rowan - aww so are you rey

The mother and daughter hug

Reyton - don't leave don't  leave

She wouldn't

Rowan - don't worry I won't and I  won't  let the bad dreams get us at all not one

And she didn't just  like  she said  she wouldn't as Reyton  finally  slept for the rest of the night without waking  up  again  and  she knew that mommy won't  let  go she  would  hug her making  sure  that she  is safe and sound and away from the bad dreams No bad dreams No bad dreams No bad dreams to come again 

Rumor Has It Reyton By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now