Chapter 8

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There was never anything on at 6 in the morning, but there was nothing Sam wanted to do either.  He couldn't sleep, he couldn't be with his wife, he couldn't save her.  Compared to what he could be dealing with, watching re-runs was the best option. 

He heard the door open in the distance, and figured Lois was now awake.  Her soft footsteps were approaching slowly.  He saw her wearing her purple robe and her hair was messy from the lack of brushing this early.  She yawned and stretched before she noticed Sam sitting on the

"Hey hon.  How long were you up?"  She asked confused.

"Not long," he  lied.  "I was having a hard time falling back to sleep."

"I see."  She moved closer to Sam.  "Anything bothering you?  Something on your mind?"

Sam sighed and rubbed his eyes.  He wanted to look into her eyes and tell her, but all he saw was a dying woman on her death bed, and it killed him.  He said the first thing that came to him.  "I was thinking... we worked too long.  I think it's time we took a break.  You know, take a vacation.  You and me."  It wasn't a complete lie, he was meaning to take her on a vacation.

Lois gave a nervous chuckle.  "What brought this on?  We haven't taken a vacation since the kids came."

"And that's what I mean.  It's been so long and we definitely deserve one.  You wanted to see the world, right?  I figure we do that before it's too late."  He stood up and grabbed Lois'  shoulders.  "We can go hike on the Appalachian Mountains, sunbathe in Tahiti, drink coffee in the Amazon.  What better time than now?"

"What about the kids?"

"I'm sure the world's best sitter would be fine with some overnight work."

"Well, we can't exactly take off work.  We are so close in dev-"

He leaned in and kissed her as hard as he could.  He put all of his energy and life into this one kiss to get her to stop talking and see his side.  He hoped dearly this life saving kiss was all it would take.  He didn't want to keep arguing with her on it and would kidnap her if it came down to make her relax.

He pulled away and looked into her worried and loving gaze.  "Why are you fighting this?" He asked, "Why can't you just trust me?  This is something we need to do, or else we may never find another time to do it.  You are so stubborn at times and I know what's best, alright?  Just trust me on this."

Lois nodded and hugged him hard.  She began to smile at the prospect of finally seeing the world.  They stood there in each others embrace before they kissed one more time and went to prepare for the trip. 

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