Chapter 19

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Sam arrived at Linco Pharmaceuticals, the company Lois worked at.  It's been three days since his failed trip; his failed attempt to let her have one last nice thing.  She wasn't speaking with him much and the amount she does was only polite gestures.  He was sick of it and wanted to make up for it, mostly so she would stop giving him the silent treatment.  He planned on a surprise romantic gesture, much like the movies tended to display.  

In the back of his car, Sam had a large bouquet of roses, all of which had their thorns removed and the stems shortened.  His suit was the same one, they wore on their wedding.  A giant teddy bear was poking its head out the rear window, snuggling the chocolate box it had in its arms.  Sam was pulling all the stops to ensure he was out of the doghouse.  With a slightly loose grip on everything, he made his way into the building.

He went by the front desk without any trouble, the receptionist was too busy with something on the computer.  The security guard, however, couldn't risk the new stranger walking in just because it didn't look like a bomb or a surveillance camera.

"Hold up."  The woman stopped him.  Her muscles were visible through her shirt and her skin shinned in the light.   Had he been in different circumstances, Sam might've commented on how good she looked.  "I'm gonna need to see some ID."

Sam scoffed.  "I'm here to see my wife."

The security guard nodded.  Her nametag said Samantha.  "And I see you need to make up for some mistake you made, but I can't let anyone in without an ID."  She pointed to the receptionist Sam just walked past.  "You can get a visitors pass right there."

Sam shook his head, or at least tried to without dropping the bear.  "I don't have time I need to see my wife.  Lois Gusto?"

"Sir, if you don't cooperate, I will have to throw you out."

"Look, Sam, can I call you Sam?"


Sam sighed.  "Look the longer I stand here the harder it becomes to apologize!  I can't believe you are stopping me.  I have a right to be here!"

"Sam?  Sam Gusto?"  A voice interrupted Sam's assault on the security guard.  He attempted to turn around and saw a man walking up to him.  He had short black hair and a suit that seemed to match.  His nametag around his neck informed him he was Joseph Sterling.  Joseph smiled when he recognized it was Sam.  "It is you."  

"And you are?"  Sam asked, lacking any interest for the stranger. 

Joseph looked dumbfounded.  "It's me!  Joseph!"

Sam nodded mockingly.  "Yes, I can see that on your nametag." 

"I work with your wife on that... project."  He whispered, then said louder, "We hosted that one dinner party last year!" 

Sam stayed silent, trying to figure out the words in his head.  He barely lit up when he finally recognized the man.  Mostly, he was being polite.  "Oh yeah.  I remember now."

Joseph smiled.  "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see my wife."  Sam gestured to the bear in his hands.

Joseph shrugged and said, "I think I got the hint, but she isn't here."

Sam's face twisted in confusion.  "No- what do you mean?  I saw her leave this morning."

"Sorry man, I thought you knew.  She said she wasn't feeling well when she showed up and decided to go to the hospital.  I thought she told you."

"No.  I... I have to go."  Sam bumped into Joseph as he ran back to the entrance.  The receptionist made note of him as he left, but only to see the flowers dropped onto the floor.

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