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Sirens: They are nothing like mermaids, Though they may both have tails, sirens are flesh eating beauties

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Sirens: They are nothing like mermaids, Though they may both have tails, sirens are flesh eating beauties. Most people mistaken them as mermaids, but sirens have dark features. Black eyes, dark hair, and pale skin. But if you can't tell the difference by then, you will be able to when they start singing. 

Mermaids: They are the kindest under water creature you will ever find, if you are able to

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Mermaids: They are the kindest under water creature you will ever find, if you are able to. They roam the ocean looking for ships, and follow them til they know that they are safe. But Mermaids do obsess over beauty. They believe the kinder you are the more beautiful you will be. Well most of them believe that.

Dragons: They have a temper, but they are also very  wise

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Dragons: They have a temper, but they are also very  wise. Dragons love to sleep, mostly in dark places. They do have a human form, but they rarely change into that. There are many types of dragons, and the main difference is that some are in water and some that are on land. That happened when  some dragons founds out how dark it is deep in the ocean.

 That happened when  some dragons founds out how dark it is deep in the ocean

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