Chapter 1: Supermum Suho

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Suho's P.O.V
"Kim Jongdae you are so dead!" As soon as I heard that I knew it was Baekhyun, only he could yell at a pitch like that. Uh oh this was not good, not good at all. Last time this happened...ugh, I shivered slightly, I did not want to even think about it. "How could you fucking do this to me? You are so fucking dead." Baekhyun shouted and barged into the kitchen, almost breaking the door in the process.

"Calm down Baek, what happened?" I asked and rushed over to him, worried for both Chen and the newly arranged table filled with food for our dinner. Baekhyun usually liked to throw things when he was angry.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down." He snapped at me, wow, great way of showing respect to your hyung, I thought to myself sarcastically. "That troll, that fucking, annoying ass troll. As soon as I get my hands on him, he's so dead." He continued to rant, oh gosh not again, I thought.

"Baek what did he do?" I asked again, shaking him slowly, making him halt his rant about how, and I quote, "fucking irritating, of an asshole Chen is." And a whole bunch of other colourful words that I did not wish to repeat.

"He posted a tweet of me." He exclaimed, expecting me to already know about it.

"Okay," I said slowly, "what's so bad about that?"

"He tweeted a picture of me without any makeup, newly woken up from sleep, yawning. And let me tell you this, it was not the type of cute yawn I usually do, it was the full ass, one eye open yawn I rarely do." I wanted to tell him that his yawns were never cute, but I decided against it. He probably wouldn't appreciate my honesty, plus, I didn't want to get him more annoyed than he already was. Nope, not a good idea, so I just kept my mouth shut, and blocked the table with my whole body, hoping he wouldn't get to the food.

"Hey hyun-" Chen stopped mid sentence, as he walked into the kitchen, instantly seeing Baekhyun, "Oh shit!" He shouted.

"Yeah you better be like 'oh shit,' you fucking asshole." Baekhyun said and charged at him, but Chen dodged just in time, running behind me for cover. Why am I always involved, I sighed to myself.

"Baek, it was just a joke. Why do you have to be such a diva all the time?" Chen said from over my shoulder, hoping it would calm him down, but it only aggravated him more.

"No one calls me a fucking diva, you fucking troll." Baekhyun said, still trying to get a hold of Chen.

"Really? Cause Chanyeol uses that nickname for you all the time behind your back." Chen snickered, Gosh, does this kid not get the hint to shut up? He's digging his own grave here.

"No he fucking doesn't!" Baekhyun defended, clearly insulted, as he was red in the face. Well, all I can say is good luck to Chanyeol next time Baek sees him.

"Alright that's enough swearing for today." I said, spreading my hands in a straight line, hoping to stop Baekhyun getting to Chen...and the food. "Baekhyun maybe you should calm down, and we can all talk about it, yeah?" I suggested.

"Yeah let's talk. Cause fucking talking is going to stop all those fucking twats of people laughing at me. Sure lets talk." Baekhyun said sarcastically, still glaring at Chen.

"Chen delete that tweet right now." I said, "See Baekhyun he's going to delete it and all will be well. Now just hug it out like good boys and forget this ever happened."

"No way am I deleting it hyung. It's gotten me to become so much more popular on social media now, that I've gotten hundreds of tweets asking me to get more of other members. Though the most requested is D.O." Chen laughed.

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