Chapter 3 should i tell her?

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It has been three days since Hye Kyo were discharge from the hospital, Joong ki is in his room that is also Hye Kyo's room. Right now he can only sit on the ground with his back against the wall
"What should I do?" Joong ki ask himself
"You should wash of all the pain, go take a Shower" Jin Goo say
Joong Ki just look at Jin Goo then staring at the blank wall. Jin Goo got mad at Joong Ki and dragged him to the bathroom. Jin Goo push Joong ki to the shower but Joong Ki only stand there.
"Are you going to take a shower or not?,well I'm not leaving until you take shower" Jin Goo say
"Fine!" Joong Ki say finally taking the Shower
Jin Goo waited outside to make sure he is taking a shower, after that he head down to kitchen to cook.
"Roast chicken!!!" Joong Ki say when he out from bathroom, he came down to the kitchen staring at Jin Goo preparing the food.
"Ya! Come here help me don't just stand there" Jin Goo command
"Ok, ok" Joong Ki say try to act fine and happy
After everything is cooked, they finally ate.
"Are you ok?" Jin Goo ask looking at Joong Ki's face expression
"Yeah" Joong ki answered
Right now there was a awkward silence between them until Jin Goo decided to break the ice.
"Hey me and my other friends going to hangout later, do you want to come with us?" Jin Goo ask hoping that Joong Ki want to come as well
"I'm tired, so you guys can go" Joong Ki say
"Ok then guess I hVe to go now" Jin Goo say
Its a normal day, after eat Joong Ki wash the dishes. Feeling bored at home, Joong Ki go for a walk by himself. He go to the park near his house and saw. Little kids playing Round which brighten up Joong Ki's day a little but slightly a bright smile on Joong Ki's face has vanished when he saw a Couples walking a long the park holding hands. He turn back to be a sad person again and decided just go groceries shopping. Joong ki is almost done with his shopping, he just need to find something he love the most.
"Popcorn where are you!?!?" Joong Ki mumble
Joong Ki is walking through every isle, not looking at people he bump to.
"Finally!! I found you!!" Joong ki say
Joong Ki heading to the cashier with his head looking at the ground, he suddenly bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry" the lady apologies
That voice, the voice make him fall in love was right in front of him.
Joong Ki looked up to see the love of his life Hye Kyo, the on my thing he could do is just stare at Hye Kyo. After a few moment Joong Ki snapped out of his daydreaming
"It's  ok, it was my fault" Joong Ki say
Hye Kyo smiled and told Joong Ki goodbye then left.
Arriving home Hye Kyo  put away his groceries and thinking about Joong Ki  even though it hurts her a lot, but still makes her happy. He went straight to her room but feeling weird in her own room.
"But that guy, I know I've seen him somewhere but where??" Hye Kyo say
"You've never seen him before!!, Yes I have but where??" Hye kyo say
"Oh yes, the guy from hospital" Hye Kyo say
"Sweetie are you ok?" Hye Kyo's mom ask
Hye Kyo hasn't noticed but she has been staring at the wall for quite. While now.
"Oh.. yes mom I'm fine" Hye Kyo say
"Oh mom can I ask you something?" Hye Kyo ask really curious at that guy
"Go ahead, anything sweetie" Hye Kyo's mom say
"Who's that guy from the hospital?" Hye Kyo ask
Hye Kyo's mom stood there frozen not knowing what to say or where to start to explain.
"Should i tell her or not??, I don't want my daughter to live a lie. But I also don't want her to be stress and over thinking it" Hye Kyo's mumble

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