chapter 4 cousin?!

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Mrs Song stood there with the sudden question that asked by Hye Kyo, she don't want her daughter to live a lie, but she also don't want to stress about it.
"you'll find out soon sweetie, now the time is not right" Mrs Song think
"who are you talking about?" Mrs Song ask acting like she know nothing
"who am i talking about?!" Hye Kyo think, Hye Kyo hate the fact that her mom is acting like she doesn't know who i'm talking about
"the one who keep saying i'm his girlfriend, as i remember his name was Song Joong Ki" Hye Kyo say
"aish, she can remember his name but not him. i have to think of some excuse" Mrs Song stand there didn't say anything
"oh! Joong Ki.. h-he's.. your cousin, he kinda have a mental illness so he sometime say crazy stuff" Mrs Song say try to lie to her, she doesn't have any other choice
"oh" Hye Kyo say
"Why?" Mrs Song asked curious
"he didn't seem like he have some mental illness, when I bumped into him a while ago" Hye Kyo say
"Wait, what do you mean?" Mrs Song asked
"yes I bumped into him in the store,Why?"Hye Kyo asked 
"nothing" Mrs Song say and about to leave when Hye Kyo called her again
"mom" Hye Kyo call, she turn around to face Hye Kyo
"can we go and visit him sometimes?" Hye Kyo ask, Mrs Song is freak out after what Hye Kyo say
"S-sure sweetie, tomorrow morning" Mrs Song say and leave before Hye Kyo ask other question
"Yeobo, something wrong?" Mr Song ask, his name is Song Ji Sung
"should i tell him or not?!" Mrs Song think
"but please don't get mad at me, Hye Kyo ask me about Joong Ki just then and i can't tell her now so i told her that Joong Ki have a mental illness and she ask me if we can go to visit him and i was freak out so i told her that we will visit him tomorrow" Mrs Song say
Mr Song just stood there while taking everything Mrs Song has said then he look at Mrs Song with big eyes.
"y-you did what!?" Mr Song ask in disbelief 
"I was freak out, so i didn't know what to say" Mrs Song say
"well we can't take back what you just say" Mrs Song say
"then what about the visit tomorrow?" Mrs Song ask
"we have to call Joong Ki and tell him everything" Mr Song say, Mrs Song dialed Joong Ki's number
"Hello" Mrs Song greeted
"Mrs Song?" Joong Ki say
"Yes Joong Ki its me Mrs Song, we have a problem"Mrs Song say
"What do you mean problem?" Joong Ki ask
"Well Hye Kyo ask me about you and I-"Mrs Song got cut off by Joong Ki
"Hye Kyo asked about me!? She remembers me!?" Joong Ki ask in happy voice
"Well not quite,I told her that you and her were cousins and that you have some mental illness and now she wants to visit you?" Mrs Song say don't know what to do
"you said what!?" Joong Ki say can't believe of what he just heard
"I know, i'm sorry but i was freak out and don't know what to say and i promise her that tomorrow morning we'll go and visit you" Mrs Song say
"Tomorrow morning!!!" Joong Ki say as he freak out
"yes, well i have to go now and also don't say anything stupid tomorrow" Mrs Song say
"i hope Joong Ki not gonna do anything stupid tomorrow, because its not gonna work" Mrs Song say
"what the heck! i have to act like a cousin to her but the truth is she's my girlfriend, i can try to get back her memories. we'll see tomorrow" Joong Ki say

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