chapter 8 anniversary day

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They were walking while eating their candy, Hye Kyo is already finish her candy while Joong Ki is still half way of finishing his candy because he's don't really like cotton candy that much but joong ki will do anything to make Hye kyo happy.
Hye Kyo look at Joong Ki with pleading eyes, he look at her then look at his candy.
"fine, here" Joong Ki said, joong ki shouldn't have do that because Hye kyo will get extremely hipper if she eat too much candy but he couldn't resist. he love seeing her happy and besides its our happy day today
Hye Kyo couldn't stop smiling or jumping which make Joog ki happy, its almost night which mean we've been here for quite long time. Hye kyo decided to take some photo before they leave (which is the photo in Joong Ki's music room)
They headed to the car and drove off, in less than five minutes Hye kyo is already falls asleep which is good because Joong Ki got a surprise for her. they stop at a mall, Hye Kyo looking confused.
"we are here" Joong Ki say get out and open the door for hye kyo
 "yay! food i'm hungry" Hye Kyo said fully wake up now
Joong ki just laughed at her silliness, they were walking side by side holding hands
"let's buy some bibimbap" Hye kyo say
"ok, i'm hungry anyways" joong ki say
they walk inside a restaurant, hye kyo find a place to sit while Joong ki is ordering the food.
"oh hi, can i have 2 bibimbap" Joong ki say to the girl who is same age as Joong ki
"are you sure you don't want anything else?" the girl ask seductively while leaning forward
Joong Ki smirked because he know what she's trying to do, but Hye Kyo is the only girl for him not some random seductive girl.
"actually there is one thing" Joong ki told her giving her one of his famous smile
"what is that?" the girl ask

Joong ki looked over to Hye Kyo and ask her something.
"jagya what would you like to drink?" Joong ki ask, the girl eyes is widen and she was angry
"water is fine" Hye Kyo shouted
"then we'll take two water please" Joong ki say
"coming right up, that will be $30.95" she said
"keep the change" Joong ki say
joong ki walked to Hye kyo
"what was that all about?" Hye kyo asked
"nothing important, she just try to seduce me. but i already have the prettiest girl in front of me" Joong ki say and kiss her hand
"your so cheesy you know that?" Hye kyo say
"Yes, but i'm your cheesy boy" Joong ki saay
"so I've been dating a boy all this time? i thought i was dating a man" Hye kyo said
he put his hand over his heart pretending to be offended,
"Well boy or man but you still love me" Joong ki said
"that's true" hye kyo smile
"You should have seen your face when I told you to ride the roller coaster, especially when you started screaming and crying. That was epic" Hye kyo said laughing reminding me of what happened earlier
"Haha very funny at least I didn't look like a crazy drunk man jumping and running around like a phyco" Joong ki say

Hye Kyo stopped laughing at Joong ki and narrowed her eyes at him, Joong ki did the same. They stay like that for a couple of minutes to see who can stay longest without laughing or smiling, but unfortunately they both lost and gave up at the same time. They keep laughing until the waiter came with their food.
"Here you go, have a great day" The guy told them and bowed, they did the same and thanked him.
"this smells good and taste good as well" Joong ki say started to eat
They have finished eating, and heading to the ice cream shop to get some dessert.

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