The Spirit of Charlie

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A new generation of high schoolers named John, Kimmy, and Mike were having nightmare dreams about an old student named Charlie who told the 3 best friends to come to his zone school called Marshall gallows. John was one of the first victims to tell Charlie. "Leave us alone, let us have our peace,'' John said. Kimmy had to stay up past 2:00 am to make sure that Charlie was gone for eternity, Mike had to use his NVT (Night Vision Technology ) to see if Charlie was nearby.

"Look up,'' Charlie said. So Mike slowly looked up at his ceiling, he died of a heart attack because Charlie had a twisted head, long arms and legs that had to be about 30 to 40 inches long, flexible backbone bending to about 270 Degrees, and a itchy rope around his neck after dying from a play called the hallows.

"It has been almost 2 weeks, and Mike still hasn't returned to the school where we always hangout", Kimmy Said.

"We should probably go check on Mike and see if he's doing OK,'' John said carefully. When John and Kimmy went to Mike's house the whole inside was Completely Quiet. There was No Radio on, Mail still outside on his porch next to the front door, "Something's not right,'' John said. So John had to use a lock picker to unlock mike's door. Inside Mike's house no food was cooked, and nobody was home, Kimmy ran to the upstairs bedrooms, she screamed in a Horrified, frighten sight. John ran up the stairs too,

"What's wrong", John said then he seen mike on the floor as well at first

"Oh my God,'' John said. Because he was so horrified but shocked at the same time of seeing Mike dead the one way that John could think of was doing CPR. The time it took for 2 minutes to try and revive Mike, "Mike is dead John",Kimmy said.

"No, he's not dead come on mike, come on, come on man,'' John said. For no chance in taking a risk Kimmy had to pull John away from mike.

"Why is this happening to us, why can't Charlie just leave us alone,'' John said while crying in sorrow at losing one of his friends that he knew for a long time since kindergarten. "John stop crying you're a man a grown man never cry",Kimmy said.

"Here I found this book at the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library, it tells some history about our spirit demon Charlie",Kimmy Said.

In the year 1,000 A.D , A baby boy who was born in Indonesia named Charlie he loved to play with fire, his fire powers gave him a demonic advantage which led to an evil quest in burning down villages and demolishing native houses. Every person that he knew died because of his deadly fires or have left him to find a better civilization. In the blindside of darkness an evil demon more powerful than Charlie gave him a difficult task in terrorizing young middle age teenagers from the 19th-22nd century. If he didn't succeed in his task then he will be surrounded by deadly blue fire with a demonic sign right underneath him.

"So all that we have got to do is by some black candles put it in a demonic sign from a grab the Ouija Board playing with it by saying Charlie Charlie are you here to make him appear in our trap,'' John said.

"Yep" that's the plan, Kimmy said curiously. So John and Kimmy walked to a wax store that was 10 blocks away from mikes. When I got to the wax store and stepped in John could barely breathe in the store because the fresh wax smelled so strong.

"Hello sir,'' John said respectfully to the store keeper.

"yes,'' How may I help you?, The Storekeeper asked John.

"yeah .. uh ... We need 80 candles sir,'' John said to proclaim that many candles.

" Wow", "80 candles" the store Keeper said Surprised "Are you sure that you need that many candles?", The storekeeper Questioned John.

"Yes, but has it to be black for that total that I submitted,'' John replied back to The Store Keeper. The total Amount for the 80 black candles was $480.00 in buying that whole lot of black candles.

"Today is October 31st Halloween and it's nighttime, me and Kimmy are out in the middle of the Atlanta canopy forest setting up the last thing which is the Ouija board and were about to play the Charlie Charlie challenge,'' John said while recording himself and the supernatural event. "Kimmy are you ready", John said persuasively "ye .... yeah I'm ready",Kimmy said nervously.

"CHARLIE,CHARLIE are you here ?, "they both said in a loud and whispery voice. At a thin quick of black blowing wind so fast that Charlie appeared right in the middle of John and Kimmy. He looked so evilly creepy that his mouth was drooling blood and his eyes were formed into illuminates with the inside pupils shaped like triangles.

"Who summoned me?'' Charlie said.

"Me Charlie", John said.

" Hey, here Charlie", John said "I ain't afraid of you,'' John said Charlie started to scare John by jumping over the 80 black candles he almost had him but in a short amount of seconds Charlie hit his head on an invisible force field that was unbreakable for any demon to escape.

"No, No No No No" Charlie in demonic anger.

"You know what John", Charlie Questioned John.

"What", John Questioned back to Charlie "See you real soon,'' Charlie said, confusing John in a ghostly angry voice. After Charlie said see you real soon it considered John in whether he comes back from the underworld. Days have passed since Charlie's Disappearance in vanishing into black liquid nitrogen.

But the question is will Charlie return from the underworld for his revenge or will John and Kimmy continue their lives? 

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