The Spirit Of Charlie Part 6

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"Where are you kimmy I hope you have transformed ?" John questioned losing another friend.

"John, John!!", Kimmy shouted out his name.

"Where are you ?,'' John said.

"I don't know a cell, where other women have been tortured,'' Kimmy said.

"I think I can see you, is that your hand I presume ?", John asked Kimmy.

"Yeah", Kimmy said to John. John suddenly started to slow down and saw that Kimmy was fine just the way she was. But He began to look everywhere on Kimmy's body to see if Charlie had done anything too here but there wasn't anything but when John asked Kimmy to turn around she was injected by seeing a veins changing from green to purple.

"Kim! , Kim!!!", John said by getting worried. The Transformation of her was getting obnoxious, he couldn't bear to look at Kimmy no more because she turned into an animal that's aggressive and unforgiving.

"Charlie if you're watching me just let you know that I am about to summon your worst dream creation that has ever come true in your home world's reality,'' John said with confidence plus with a promise to Kimmy. John left Alcatraz then headed to a cave that was filled with fire with speaking soul lost spirits. Ancient writings speaking into the language that tells the full story about Charlie Charlie. By reading each part of the text Charlie was a no good person who can be so demonic that no human being wants to be around a devilish child. John took the 3 papers out of his back pocket, flipped them over to see that on the back each section the paper started to show a pentagram, on the very end of the left hand corner it says devil in parentheses.

"So this is the enemy of Charlie Charlie ?,'' John said with a whispering voice. 

He ran to an empty room that had nothing in the cell so John began drawing the pentagram with a piece of steel and began making the pentagram. When John finished the pentagram it started to create fire by itself also circling around the whole entire sign until there was the sound of beeping, it was the pentagram changing colors about to detonate to cause a huge explosion. He rushed to a space of protection where he wouldn't denote himself, after the explosion the figure began to reach the left of his arm to feel nothing but the touch of fire. As soon  as the unknown put his hand back in he then bursted out of the derby like it was a pile of 2,000 papers stacking and surrounding him.

"Who wants to fight ? ", the Devil asked anyone.

"That would be me and that would require you too have a weapon also because you might be going up an enemy that you have spoken to before,  John said so that the devil can be already prepared."

 The Devil used his left arm to remove all the debris and form it into a flammable trident that has been used for the people who don't play nice or just have been doing illegal stuff.

"John where are you?", Charlie asked him to be nowhere in his sight.

"We need to go Devil", John said telling him that they are going into a battle with John.

"Just let you know my name is Andrew,'' He too told John to tell his real name and not just Devil.

"Ok Andrew, do you know a Spirit named Charlie?", John asked Andrew the question. Andrew paused and looked and looked back and saw that he fought with a savage spirit named Charlie.

"Yeah, yeah I do know a spirit named Charlie, he was a pitiful weak child but has he developed any new powers that he might have in order for him to surprise me", Andrew asked John after looking and seeing that he had a rough time in the underworld.

"Hop on my shoulder and let's deal with this Spirit that is messing with you," Andrew said in helping John being Friendly. When John and Andrew Blasted from Alcatraz they stand and see that Charlie has gained more Witchcraft in his Spiritual body. Charlie speed elevated toward Andrew.

"Andrew, what are you doing?", John asked him, feeling nervous.

"Just wait I got something for him that he does not remember,'' Andrew said doubting that he doesn't. Charlie went underground and surfaced John and Andrew grabbed Andrew by his legs and began throwing him them like a frisbee John fell off Andrew and roll and hit a wall that was covered in chains he had and idea but Charlie and Andrew were busy dealing with the last standing fight in seeing who will be the King of the underworld.

"ANDREW", John yelled his name out.

"The Chains, The Chains", John said repeatedly trying to give Andrew an idea.

"Remember those days Andrew; the days that me and you were getting along and we were going to take over this planet and see the people suffer like you always wanted," Charlie said, making Andrew feel that he joined Charlie in his plan.

" Your plans to take over this planet has no requirement in you living in this world,'' Andrew said in rejecting Charlie's offer. 

Charlie upper-cutted Andrew but Andrew used his Flaming Trident and began using his trident it started it into 3 things: a Zanbatō, Balthazar, and Basket-hilted. Each one of the Swords he sliced Charlie from side to side, and left him and marked the fight and Andrew won. Andrew kicked Charlie into the chains and began to slice him again and again until when Andrew was about to give his final slash onto Charlie body Charlie however, released a sound that was painful like a Demonic Spirit releasing a loud sound that is unforgettable for listening too. When Charlie finished Andrew didn't give him his final slice although Charlie deserved it, Andrew's guards began appearing and started handling Charlie dragging him to a maximum inescapable prison that is in the sky surrounded by lava and toxic lava snakes over 10,000 of them.

"Well guess you and Kimmy get to go back home right,'' Andrew said To John by making him more happier going back home.

"Kimmy, Andrew, can you fly over back to Alcatraz?", John asked nicely to him.

"Sure", Andrew said but he wasn't unsure from his voice.

By the time they got back to Alcatraz Kimmy turned back to normal to her beautiful self that John had always adored. Her clothes were ripped due to stretch while she was transforming into the creature that was before but not anymore.

"Alright time for the both of you to go back home,'' Andrew said to John and Kimmy.

Andrew grabbed a little bit of Charlie's power and created the portal and it led them back to their apartment and everything seemed normal. So John carried Kimmy to the Master bedroom so that she could rest and be relaxed into sleep like she never slept before; John went to the balcony and relaxed in his chair as tired as ever.

"I hope that Andrew can keep Charlie out of the picture," John said with a thought in not talking or seeing Charlie ever again.

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