Happy Birthday!!!

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Charlotte woke up with a smile on her face. It was her birthday!!! She hopped out of her bed in excitement, and ran to the bathroom. After she showered, she did her hair and makeup. She picked the perfect outfit for what she hoped to be the perfect day. When she stepped out of the bathroom, she suprisingly found that she still had plenty of time left until she had to leave for school. Her nose picked up the sweet smell of pancakes and she ran downstairs. She smiled when she saw the sight of her parents sitting at the table.

Seeing she still had time to spare, Charlotte decided to walk to school. I'm her way to the highschool, she had time to think. Although Henry had plenty of girlfriends through the years, Charlotte had never been allowed the experience. Her parents were strict, and they had made a rule that she couldn't date until her 16th birthday. Now that day was finally here. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Henry's car pull up to the school. He had recieved the car on his 16th birthday, and he drove it everywhere. She smiled and waved at him when he stepped out into the open. The sunlight hit Henrys skin perfectly, and Charlotte couldn't help her heart nearly pounding out of her chest. She ran up to him and through her arms around him.

"Happy birthday Char," Henry whispered into her ear. Charlotte could've passed out in his arms of it weren't for the fact that right at that moment, Jasper ran up to both of them.

"Happy Birthday Charlotte! " Jasper exclaimed.

Before she knew it, Charlotte's day was almost over. Her last class seemed to last forever, but finally it ended. Charlotte rushed to her locker and opened it. To get surprise, there was a single red rose on the bottom of her locker with a note attached to it. The note read

Dear Charlotte,

Meet me at the Man-Cave as soon as you can.
Ps. Happy Birthday, Char

Your best friend,
Henry Hart

Charlotte smiled and started the walk towards Junk 'n Stuff. Within 15 minutes, she arrived. She took the elevator down to the Man-Cave. When she got there, she was surprised to see Henry standing there in his Kid Danger outfit.

"What is all this," she whispered.

"I was hoping Kid Danger would have a better chance at this then Henry would" he said, " Charlotte Bolton, will you go out with me"

Thanks guys, I hope you like it. I had almost finished the first part to this when I decided to change it. I hope you like it this way. Please don't hate on me. Comment on other story ideas

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