Better Than She Hoped

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Ok guys this is it!!! The last chapter!! I'm so grateful for the continual love and support I get from you guys!! I love you all. I hope that you all have enjoyed this fanfic and I hope it's fine something for you in your life. Please comment down below what you though about this story and what you would like to see me do next.
It had been 2 weeks since Henry got out of the hospital. Neither one of them had brought up the date for fear that the other wouldn't want to go on another one. Until that night neither one of them was expecting
Charlotte banged her head against the table. Wiping her nose against her sleeve, she groaned. She was most defiantly sick. She turned her focus to the open math book in front of her, and tried to ignore the pounding headache she had. She glanced at her phone. 3 missed calls from Henry. She chose to ignore them because she knew he would try to tell her to get some sleep. It was 2 o'clock in the morning, and she had school tomorrow. But Charlotte knew she had to finish before she went to sleep. Charlotte stared at the problem, trying to understand it. She was usually good at math, but usually she wasn't trying to work this late. Charlotte sneezed loudly. She glanced at her phone again, deciding she would give Henry a call. Before she could, she heard a quiet tapping on her window. She smiled when she saw Henry standing there holding a picnic basket. He would forever be her night in shining armor, even if now he was just wearing sweats and a t-shirt. She slowly got up and opened her window to let him in. Without saying anything, Henry opened the basket and pulled out the contents. Inside there was a pizza from her favorite pizza place and some chocolate cake, which Henry knew she loved. He pulled her into a tight hug and she melted into his embrace.
"You're pushing yourself too hard Char. You're taking a break now" he whispered.
She just nodded. As they ate, they just talked and laughed. Charlotte let herself forget everything. Her cold, her homework, her tiredness. Everything was forgotten. When they got to dessert, Henry looked at her nervously.
" Is the cake ok? I know how much you love chocolate cake, so I tried to make it for you. I'm not sure how it is though"
Charlotte moaned softly as she took a bite of cake "Mhmmhm Henry this is amazing. I could just kiss you!!" When she realized what she said, Charlotte just blushed and looked down.
Henry smirked " Well why don't you?"
Charlotte just stood there in shock. Before she could say anything, he gently leaned in and kissed her. Charlotte smiled into the kiss. This was pure bliss. The kiss ended too soon in her opinion.
All night, they talked, cuddled and kissed. They were stull talking when the sun began to to rise.
And yes, they both fell asleep during several of their classes that day. And Henry did catch Charlotte's cold. Charlotte did get yelled at for not finishing her homework. But it was all worth it. After all,Being in love doesn't magically make all your problems disapear. It just makes them seem less relevant.
In the end, it wasn't what Charlotte expected. It wasn't a fairytale date. She wasn't in a fancy dress and makeup. He wasn't in a suit. They both looked like crap. She was sick. They both were tired. It wasn't dinner at a fancy restaurant. It was simply them eating pizza in her bedroom. When you're in love, you don't need everything to be perfect or fancy. You just need it to mean something. So no, it wasn't what she expected. But it was better than she had hoped for.
Thanks so much for taking your time to read this. You have no idea how much this means to me. Please comment down below about what you thought. Every comment makes my day so much better. Please check out my other stories. Enjoy!!!

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