Not What She Expected

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I almost gave up on this story. I've been so busy with school and I've had writers block for this story. I finally had an idea and so I'm continuing this. Thanks for all of you who have been supportive through all of this. This is not the last chapter. There will probably be one more after this. Enjoy
Charlotte looked at herself one last time before she stepped out the door. She had  never been the type to dress up just to impress people, but at this time, Charlotte felt like a princess.

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A.N  this is what she's wearing. The bottom pic is for both hair and makeup)

Charlottle ran down the stairs to find her mom sitting on the couch. When her mom noticed that she was there, she began to cry. Charlottle tried not to laugh at how sappy her mom was. She gave a soft smile and twirled. Another tear fell down her mom's cheek. The door rang and Charlotte ran to answer it. When she opened the door, Henry looked panicked. Upon noticing that Mr. Bolton was not in the room, he called down. Charlotte's father was in fact working late and couldn't be there. Charlotte welcomed him in, fullyknowing her mother would want to talk to him. Henry came in and sat next to her mother. The conversation started with date etiquette, but then turned to school and then to family. Finally, Charlotte notices it was almost 8. She gently pulled his arm and showed him the time. She would have willingly stayed there talking for hours and knew Henry would have as well, but she also knew they had to leave of they wanted to make it to the restaurant. They both got up from the couch and said goodbye to her mother. After they walked though the door , Henry pulled her into a tight hug
      " I'm sorry I didn't say it before, but you look gorgeous Char," he whispered softly in her ear.
They didn't even get to order before Ray called them. He apologized for interrupting, but said he needed Henry to come back to the ManCave. Over the years, the villains had become more extreme, and they had been chasing this one for 3 months. He had guns for hands and would shoot anyone, citizen or superhero, who got close to him. As soon as Henry hung up he squeezed Charlottes hand
     "I'm sorry. I really hoped something like this wouldn't happen" 
     Charlotte smiled softly. This boy really would be the death of her.
     They left the restaurant quickly, apologizing to the waiter who had come to take their orders.
     Ray was freaking out by the time they got there.
     "Three dead and one injured since I called you!" Ray yelled, " I know you two were probably making out in some alley, but you couldn't have hurried a bit more?"
     Charlotte blushed, but didn't bother to correct Ray. This was a serious matter, and they didn't have time to chat. She watched quietly as they both suited up. They left quickly, and then it was a matter of waiting for them to return. Charlotte sat on the couch and impatiently tapped her leg. She knew Henry got hurt all the time, but this was a life or death situation.
      After 5 hours, Charlotte's phone rang. She nervously put the phone to her ear
    "Hello Ray, what's up?"
     After what seemed like an eternity, he spoke "We got him" Charlotte breathed out a sigh of relief. Ray spike again " Listen kid, the thing is, Henry was shot"
      Charlotte fell to the ground as the news hit her. She sobbed loudly and although she knew Ray could hear her over the phone, he didn't have the heart to say anything. Finally, Charlotte stood up. She took a deep breath in and waited for Ray to say anything else. After a few minutes he did,
     " He's going to be ok. He is going to need to be in the hospital for a few weeks, but after that he should be fine. He's just getting out of surgery now, and he's asking for you."

And so life went on. Of course Henry's parents were shocked and confused at why their little boy had been shot, but as far as they were concerned, their son was just another innocent bystander, wrongly shot. No one bothered to tell them that none of the witnesses had even seen their son there.

There it is!!!! I hope you like it! Enjoy this chapter and look out for the Final Chapter. I'm hoping I can get it out within a week, if not sooner. I already have a lot of ideas for it. Thank you so much for reading!!

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