Part 4: Complications

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Max sat down after kissing his girlfriend Cheese goodbye. He could leave his Ross alone to go on an adventure....he was like a brother to Max! He looked over to see that Aphmau and Ross had figured out how to get apps on the machine. "NEKO ATSUME!!!" They chanted, while Max slowly face palmed, along with everyone else on board. "Alrighty does this Dimension Machine work....?" Neko Atsume turned off to a little white and blue cat on the screen. "What's poppin?" It said with Jin's voice. "I am M.U.F.F.I.N, Multiple Universe Finding For Infinite Necessities. I am here to answer any questions you may have!"

"That's so dope! So punch in the numbers and let's save Jin!" Said Sky. "Alrighty! Type in the 4 digit dimension
code and we can begin!"
"Ummm....Sky?" Said Cory looking at Jin's note. "There are only 3 numbers here." Everyone turned towards Cory. "Are. You. KIDDING?!" Shouted Max.
"Shit..." whispered Ross. Shelby grabbed the note and looked it over. "Well, look on the bright side!" She said trying hard to stay positive. " We have 2 of the numbers; that means that there are only 10 possibilities! I think. I'm not very good at math, don't judge." Aph peeked over her shoulder. "Judging~!"

"Well where do we go first?! There are 10 numbers we can chose from! What if we get it wrong? How will we even know we got it wrong?" Shouted Sky angrily. He was so furious, he just wanted his old friend to be safe. He banged on the TDM's wall. M.U.F.F.I.N appeared again. "I see that someone has punched the wall. It may be intruders, however, since I am an A.I I recognize that that was Sky. What is troubling you?"
"I'm getting somewhat GLaDOS vibes from you....but one that isn't mean." Said Cory to no one in particular. "We are trying to save Jin, but we don't know what Dimension he's in! All we have are the first 3 numbers."

M.U.F.F.I.N scans the note, and processes the information. "Alrighty! I have a plan! All we need to do is guess! If we can't find Jin, then we try another world! Just pick a number between 0-9!"
"Ooh! Ooh! I'll pick!" Shouted Shelby. "Ummm...... number 1!" "Alright then! I'll get us there in a gif!"

The doors opened as Sky stepped outside the TDM. He immediately felt a major increase in heat. He looked out at his surroundings. The land was barren, and there was no green life. It was truly a wasteland.

HOI my Bakateers! It's Baka here! I hope you are prepared for some awesome and cool universes! I also have an important question. Should this be a p.o.v book? Or should it stay third person?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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