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Jervis' POV during the two weeks 'Alice' is unconscious.

"Alice!" I exclaimed, my sweet Alice had just fallen to the floor unconscious.

I sent the rabbits who were still in the room away and bent down to the level of Alice. I first checked her pulse. All good. At least she was alive. I picked her up bridal style and took her to the spare room upstairs. To any rabbits that I passed I may have seemed calm but inside, panic was taking almost complete control.

I placed her onto the bed and continued to panic inside my head. I walked towards the door and left the room. I walked down the corridor that was filled with doors all different sizes and shapes. I stopped at the medium sized, green door. My hat making room. I walked inside and over to the sewing machine. I continued to make the hat that I had been working on for a few weeks.

The first few days during the time Alice was unconscious I went back and forth between two rooms. The spare room when I checked on Alice and the hat room when I made the hat. Each day my darling Alice did not wake the panic inside me grew.

At the end of the first week I was drowning in panic and negativity. I did the only thing I could think of. Call my friends Edward Nygma a.k.a the Riddler and Jonathan Crane a.k.a the Scarecrow. I sometimes mistook them for the dormouse and the March hare. The call, however, did not go as planned. It resulted in me being shouted at by the two criminals. I felt quite aggravated and wished that I could send a Jabberwocky to eat them.

After that horrible attempt of a call, I simply sat beside the bed in the spare room chanting the word Alice over and over again. I hoped that the chant would wake her but it didn't really work.

One week after the disastrous call I was beginning to doze off and my chant grew quieter until it sounded like a gentle whisper. I forced my eyes to stay open and saw Alice open her beautiful, blue eyes.

"Alice!" I exclaimed while jumping out of my seat. "You're awake and alive and here and not dead and awake and, I can't think of anything else." my mind had come up blank which was always a rare occurrence.

Her face held a look of confusion so I explained everything that had happened. Well, what I knew had happened. Alice looked shocked when she discovered that she had been unconscious for two weeks. Her eyes scanned the room as she took in her surroundings.

"Alice, I'm so glad you're safe." I remarked sincerely.

Alice pulled me into an awkward hug and I returned the gesture.

"I need you." I whispered into her hair so quietly I could hardly hear it.

I pulled out of the hug and a grin threatened to come upon my face so I turned my head away and walked out the door. I planned to go prepare a tea party downstairs but I remembered I had meant to tell Alice to come. I stuck my head back into the room.

"Come downstairs when you feel well enough." and with that I left again.

The grin that I had suppressed earlier finally broke out on my face. This Alice was the first that had stayed. She hadn't left or been taken from me. I felt a feeling that I had not felt in a long time enter my heart. Love. I just hoped that the Bat would not take my Alice away from me like he had with every other. I realised that I had been standing in the same place for quite some time so I walked downstairs and began to prepare a lovely tea party.

Today is my birthday!! I am officially 12!😃
Did you like this chapter? I am not really sure if it makes sense because it is in Jervis' point of view. I really hope you enjoyed it!!
As always, stay awesome!😄


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