Mon, Oct 10

984 70 3

now im all fucked up and missing all of you
you did hurt me back then but i didnt even mind
im used to the scars you scratched
im used to the pain i gained
im used to the biting and hitting you put through my heart
im all fine with that and your ill self
and im fucking fine that i cant fall for another person again
but im not fine without you
i will never be as fine as i used to
im lonely
im bored
and once again, im fucked
you can only fix me, but will never be able to return me to the way i was
i need you to come back, and bring my morning sky back to me
i need you to come back, and tell me we can write a story together again
i need you to come back, even though you never loved me as much as i did.


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