Sun, Feb 5 - 03:15 AM

539 42 8



"Did I wake you up?"

"No, not really."
"You just woke my mind up, yeah."

"What's up? Why are you staying up all night? Can't sleep?"

"Been crumbled in thoughts lately, that's what made my mind was not so awoke. Other than that, nothing much."

"You okay?"

"I don't know."
"Don't ask, please."


"We both know it's useless to put a mask on when we acknowledge each other so well."

"You're right, yeah."
"If you don't want to talk about it then I won't dig you up much. Just let me know if I was the reason for whatever you're feeling right now."

"Don't be mad.."
"You are."

"I know.. I'm sorry, baby. I can't be as good as you expected."

"It is not that, Liam. It's just.."
"Never mind."

"Zayn, you know it's okay to tell me about anything, right? I am being responsible in this case."

"I said don't ask.."

"I'm not asking you a question. All you have to do is spill your thoughts on me right now. Tell me what did I do wrong, tell me what bothers you this much."

"We're both.. tired, yeah?"
"You from my attitude and my clingy personality, and me from your moody behavior and everything that goes between us."

"That's actually not true.."

"Please don't tell me otherwise because this is the way I feel, Liam. You can't change it and never will."

"I care about you."

"You do. But most of the time I feel like you won't ever be here with me again. Hell, I was even thinking your love was never real..."
"You said we're getting back together again, but ever since that, you have never had a real talk with me even once. You forgot about my birthday. You didn't check on me. You didn't– You just weren't there every time I need you the most."

"Fuck, baby, I don't know. I don't know that I have made yourself so miserable."
"I'm sorry, my love. I won't neglect you ever again."

"Leave me."

"This is not what you want. This isn't you talking like this."

"But this is my heart speaking in the way I need, Liam."


"Why can't we just let go? That sounds even a lot better than to have to wait for another years until the two of us realize our own's fault."
"That sounds better than giving a chance to the same mistakes after all."

"Is that what you want?"

"This is what we need."

"I can't hold you back from what you want.."
"I guess this is it?"

"This is it."

"Alright.. I'll see you around, Zayn."
"I love you."

"I promise you to never see me again."

CHARCOAL - ziamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ