Mon, Dec 26 - 11:58 PM

655 53 16

"Stop moving."

"I'm sorry.."

"Hey, it's fine. Care to tell me what's up? You've been shifting here and there ever since I kept you like this, wrapped in my arms. Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"N-no. It's just, yesterday we were unwrapping gifts and talking. And it ended by me sleeping in your sofa and you by the floor. But now... Why are we here, Li? I mean, why am I in your bed?"

"Zayn, relax. It's not like I'm doing something inappropriate to you."

"It's not that. I mean, why? What are we?"

"We are who we are when no one's watching."

"That is? You prefer to keep us as secret, then?"

"Yes. If you're cool with it of course."


"I guess it's better this way, yeah? We don't need to call each other 'boyfriends'. It is so much cooler this way, when we flow with whatever the truth is. And it'll be more challenging, personally to me, to see where we'll end up someday. Right?"


"Do you like the thought of that? Or do you mind?"

"Nope. I won't mind."

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