Part One

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A/n- this story is at Johns point of view. Comment any suggestions : )

I walk down deserted streets with Yoko. It's a chilly December morning in New York and I can't wait to get inside.

"What shall we get Sean for Christmas? It's his fifth year it must be creative!"

Of course Yoko is already planning. My laugh echoes down the street.

"I don't know love. Your better at creative things than me. But I think it should be special. My boy is everything to me, maybe I ought to ship Julian something. Don't want him left out."

Yoko nods but I know she's deep in thought about presents and Christmas.

Slowly, I turn the lock of the house when I hear loud sirens.

"Better get inside before anything kicks off love"

As I push Yoko inside I hear the sirens and shouting. Normal evening in New York,  right?

First chapter! Yay I hope you liked xxx

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