~Chapter one~

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I was on patrol around town, the bitterly cold air nipping at my face.
The roads were slippery, and I was put here to make sure nobody got hurt.
...yeah. Being in the order since our last adventure has lost its shine. We're more of a police department, now.
I pulled out my phone, checking the time.
Huh. I have about ten minutes before Axel takes over for me.
I leaned up against a tree, trying to think of something besides how boring things have gotten.
When my phone rang.
It vibrated, scaring me.
I jumped, reaching for it.
Something must be wrong... nobody calls me when I'm on patrol! ...I hope there's nothing wrong...
I brought my phone out, seeing Lukas's contact picture light up on the screen.
My heart started to pound as I pressed the accept call button.
"Lukas?!" I asked, trying to sound calm. "Lukas what's up? Are you okay?"
There was no answer.
Okay... maybe he called me on accident?
Until I heard faint sobbing.
"L-Lukas?" I asked, my concern doubling. "Lukas if you're pranking me- you're doing a great job of scaring me!"
"J-Jess...." he croaked, sounding in pain.
"LUKAS?!" I screamed, causing some townspeople to stare at me. "LUKAS ARE YOU OKAY?!"
"I'm... I... don't know..." he huffed. "My... head... It just... ugh... I've... Its never hurt this bad before..."
Lukas has gotten headaches before... but he's never called me on patrol- and he's NEVER sounded this bad. Has something awful happened?!
I felt my heart racing, my mind coming up with the worst things that could have possibly happened.
Calm down. Lukas is probably freaking out, too. You've got to show him that you're not worried. That everything will be okay.
"L-Lukas... I'll be there in a few minutes. I can tell something's wrong."
"Lukas?!" I gasped.
"...please... hurry."
The phone hung up.
I started running to my house, knowing that he would be there.
Okay, this is bad. First of all, Lukas was never one to show weakness. He wouldn't call me just to mess with me. Second of all... if he was hurt, he would always treat himself. He didn't like to accept help from others.... What happened?!
My feet kept slipping on the icy stone, my heart pounding out of my chest.
What if... if someone had targeted us? Are they trying to kill us? WHAT IF LUKAS IS GOING TO DIE?!
These thoughts made me run faster than I've ever ran before-
Although I'm pretty sure the ice helped.
I kept running past buildings, getting weird looks and people yelling for me to slow down.
But I didn't slow down.
Something was wrong- and I had to make sure Lukas was okay.
My feet finally pounded on soft grass, signaling that I was in the edge of the forest.
Wow... I... I'm going pretty fast...
My feet skidded to a stop in front of my treehouse.
I climbed my up the ladder, trying to look for any signs of people being here.
I opened the trapdoor, crawling onto the floor of the room.
"LUKAS?!" I screeched.
I leaped up, immediately seeing Lukas.
He was sobbing, his head buried in his arms as he sat at the kitchen table.
I slowly walked over, not knowing why he sounded to panicked on his call.
"Lukas?" I called, putting my hand on his shoulder.
He flinched, moving away from my touch.
"Jess.... you've got to go." Croaked Lukas, raising his head slightly. "I should've never called you here... I don't.. I don't know what got into me...."
"What are you talking about, Lukas?" I asked, breathing heavily. "I-I just got here! You sounded hurt!"
Lukas raised his head, staring blankly ahead.
"Go." He growled.
"Go?!" I snapped. "Lukas, I don't like what kind of game your playing... You made me WORRIED!"
Lukas whipped his head around, glaring at me.
Tears were in his eyes, falling down his face. His hair was messier that usual, and he looked almost...
He wasn't himself.
"Lukas... before WHO comes back?!" I asked, my voice shaking.
He picked up a knife, hurling it past me.
His eyes widened, looking pained.
"JESS- YOU BETTER GO! NOW." He commanded. "...I... I don't want to hurt you... I should've been killed... I..."
he looked back at me, and to the knife wedged in the wall a few inches from my head.
"I'm so sorry...." he whimpered. "But you need to go. Before... before...."
"BEFORE WHAT, LUAKS?!" I shrieked, reaching out for him.
He grabbed my arm, practically crushing it.
He stood up, staring at the ground.
"Before he comes back." Purred Lukas.
"W-WHOS HE?!" I panicked, trying to pull my arm from his grip. "WHO THE HELL IS-"
With one swift motion, Lukas rammed me into he wall.
My head slammed against the surface, making my vision go blurry.
"What im doing isn't important." He purred, his voice sickeningly sweet. "I tried to warn you."
He had his sword to my neck, the blade barely breaking my skin.
"W-why are you doing this?!" I gasped, trying to keep calm. "Lukas... you aren't like this..."
"But you aren't talking to Lukas. It's me. Your favorite computer friend."
My blood turned ice cold.
"P-PAMA?!" I screeched.
"Positively." He purred, slowly raising his head.
"I've been apart of him ever since the incident. Those chips weren't what controlled my salves- however they were the things that gave me access to their bodies for the rest of their mortal lives."
I struggled under Lukas's grip, freaking out.
His eyes were finally showing- revealing blood red eyes. The whites, the iris, everything. It was completely red.
"L-Lukas... please..." I croaked, not believing how he kept this from me.
"I'm. Not. Lukas." He spat. "I'm only using his body."
I felt tears gathering in my eyes.
His eyes flickered blue.
His eyes turned red again, a smirk appearing on his face.
"I should have killed you a long time ago, Jessica. Two years ago, to be exact." He purred.
PAMA turned around, as if to see if anyone would dare come.
"Nobody will come, Jessica. They can't hear you."
I panicked more, trying to push Lukas away.
I feel so violated. I know Lukas didn't know this could happen, but... PAMA had access to all of his thoughts, and...
I shuddered at the thought, trying to figure out why he hasn't slit my throat yet.
"JESS?!" Screamed a voice. "JESS ARE YOU OKAY?!"
"N-NO! IM-"
Lukas rammed his hand down on my throat, cutting off my sentence... and my air.
I heard the trapdoor open, revealing my brother.
His eyes widened, hatred filling them.
He grabbed the collar of Lukas's shirt, intending to attack.
"HOW DARE YOU TREAT MY SISTER LIKE THAT!" Snarled Jesse, taking Lukas by surprise.
Lukas tied to hit Jesse, but ended up hitting me in the head with the handle of his sword.
My vision was immediately flooded with spots, my world swirling around.
I felt blood on my head, my legs collapsing beneath me.
My vision started getting darker, the last thing I saw being my brother as he rammed Lukas's head against the wall- causing him to black out as well.

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