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tyler sat, dazed on josh's lap. josh blushes,knowing that in his pants his private part hardened. he doesn't know why though. it always happens when they kiss, but this time tyler felt it.

he doesn't know what's wrong with his body. maybe he should ask his mom to take him to the doctor's office.

"m-my private part. i-it gets hard when we kiss and i-i don't know why. i-i'm thinking about telling my mom to take me to the doctor's office." josh stutters, still blushing. tyler gasps,"mine does that too!" he giggles.

"SAMESIES!!!" him and josh yells together. they giggled after, josh there such dorks but i love 'em anyway. they were so innocent. so pure. they're actions....not so much but they were innocent nonetheless.

they both sit up, and just cuddle,tyler laying his brunette head on his best fren's chest. they fell asleep like that, they're breaths mingled together.

josh's mom came in the room to check on them, only to find them snuggled up and sleeping. it was the most adorable sight she had ever seen. she ran out of the room quickly but quietly. she ran to her room, retrieved her phone and ran back swiftly.

she angled her phone for a good picture and snapped. she had the biggest smile on her face. she knew this and last year were going to be better than the other years. she just knew. she smiled once more, before silently exiting the room.

she's noticed how josh has been doing better, he's not entirely stable nor steady, neither will he be. she's just glad he's finally happy. lord knows if tyler weren't here by now, he'd probably be hurting himself. she knows he's still sad sometimes but at last he's happy for the most part.

|-/ |-/ |-/

tyler awoke, his first sight josh because of josh's staring. josh blushes and looks away. " your a c-cute sleeper. a-actually you're cute all the t-time." josh says, looking back at tyler, his medium blush still going strong.

tyler blushes too and attacks josh and straddles him, kissing him; just because he's so adorable. he pampers his face with kisses all around, while the black haired boy below him giggles, blushing deeply and yelling stop.

"NEVER! YOUR TOO ADORABLE!" tyler yells, not stopping, giggling as well. little did they know josh's mother was there watching- no- recording there adorableness. she giggled quietly, which was covered by tyler and josh's yelling and giggling. she leaves after a another minute, going to prepare dinner.

this continues for five more minutes until they both stop. finally out of breath and tired. tyler gets off of josh and lays down next to him, both of them breathing heavily. "hey jishwa?" tyler asks in his adorable squeaky voice.

"yea?" josh breathes, turning his body to face tyler, tyler doing the same. "can i sleep over tonight? i don't wanna leave." tyler whines, he looks sad about leaving josh. he doesn't wanna leave his best fren. josh buries his face in tyler's chest, trying to comfort him.

"sure, it's already late anyway. just gotta call you're mom, my mom loves you so that's covered." josh mumbles from tyler's chest, causing vibration to tylers chest and tummy. tyler giggles softly, running his fingers through josh's black hair.

"okay, i'll go call my mom now." tyler sighs before rolling out of josh's bed, running out of the room to get his phone. josh, smiles fondly of him, closing his eyes and listening to tyler's soft pitter patter of his feet.

tyler comes back a few minutes later, frowning.

"what's wrong tyler?," josh asks softly, "did she say no?" he frowns himself. josh automatically gets up, running over to his best fren and hugging him. tyler hugs back.

tyler then starts to jump up and down, pulling away and smiling brightly, "I CAN STAY, I CAN STAY!!" he yells excitedly. josh face and eyes light up in pure happiness, then he's confused. "then why were you frowning?" he asks.

" because one, just to throw you off. and two, because i knew you'd hug me and i love your hugs." tyler says, his smile not wavering. josh, like always, blushes. "o-ok". he stutters and walks back to his bed. "wanna snuggle? and watch some disney movies?" josh asks, with the remote in his hands, eyes locked on the tv.

"of course jishwa!" tyler squeals dramatically, making josh chuckle and look at him; his head leaning to the side. tyler giggles and runs over to josh's bed and jumps on it, landing on a groaning josh. he giggles even more when josh grabs his waist and hugs him from behind.

they both settle down and lay on the bed, they turn off the lights before doing so and turns on G.B.F. "my gay best friend" is tyler's favorite movie.

they snuggle under the covers and watch it. during the middle of the movie, tyler shifts on his side to look at josh. josh senses his gaze and shifts too.

"jish? what do you think about us going to highschool next year? it'll be our first year. I hope its great." tyler says, imagining next year.

"I don't know tilly.(shut the fuck up ppl who know tyler oakley. I know that's his name but I wanna use it for this story. let me be me. sorry to interrupt) I hope we have a great year too. c'mon let's go get some sleep." josh answers back, yawning mid sentence. tyler nods and snuggels up to josh even more. laying on his side while josh spoons him from behind.

YAY! IM DUN! not with the story but yea.

a couple of days ago some pop pointed out my scars. I panicked but covered it pretty good. *shakes head*
i have to wear long sleeves more.

anyway. bye. for now.

|-/ stay alive for me my frens. someone loves you and someone cares.

12/2/16: okay im really sorry for not posting on tyler's birthday. i wanted to but wattpad decided to be a lil bitch and deleted all my second chapter, but not my 3rd so thats good. anyway. here ya go.

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