Chapter Three

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I followed behind my Dad on my bike and behind me was the moving truck with all my stuff from his house. It wasn’t a long trip since we lived in the same state, just in a different area. We pulled up in front of this massive brick house.

I shut off my engine and just stared at the house. Dad came over and dragged me up the driveway to the door. He rung the bell and a moment later a woman answered the door.

“Hi Julia”

“Hi Cameron”

“Ashlynn, this is your mother”

I took off my helmet and felt my hair fall over my shoulder.

“Wom. Um hi, Ashlynn” She looked like she was going to cry and it seemed like she wanted to hug me. Despite how I may have looked at the time, I was happy so I hugged her. When I pulled back, she had a couple tears on her face.

“Come in, Come in”

We followed her as the movers started unloading the truck.

“I had the walls painted black and the floor changed like you asked. The curtains were set up, the bathroom is fixed and the door was swapped with your old one”

“Thank you”

Her eyes widened slightly. “Your welcome”

I went upstairs to make sure everything was where I wanted it. It took a couple hours but it was done. My room was pitch black thanks to the black out blinds, curtains and black paint. My bed was in the corner with a slight canopy, so it was hidden. On the other side were my bookcases and desks, next to the bathroom. In a corner in the far end of the room was my alter with my candles and supplies. I might shift stuff around later but for now it was okay.

I managed to get most of my clothes out of the boxes and into the closet so I decided to take a shower and change.


I woke up and rolled over to only fall on the floor. What a way to start the day. I went into the bathroom, did my business and threw on some fresh clothes. Back in my room, I looked at the clock. It was almost 2.

My phone went off. There were a couple texts from the guys; Roc, Prodigy and Ray Ray asking if my sister was here yet and could they come over. I told them I wasn’t sure but to come over anyway. (Mind you they live on the same street as me)

I left my room and I saw that the door was closed, like it has been for a week. I found my Mom in the kitchen.

“Hey Mom”

“Hey sweetie”

“When is Ashlynn getting here?” It felt a little weird saying her name for the first time.

Before she could answer, the 3 of them burst through the back door.

“Wassup fam!”

“Rayan, please”

“Sorry Ms.Perez”

“What are y’all doing?” asked Roc

“I was just asking when Ashlynn was coming”

“I’ve been waiting to meet her. I wanna see if she’s just like you” said Prod

“I wanna know if y’all got that ‘twin telepathy’ thing” said Ray Ray waving his arms around


We turned our attention back to my Mom.

“She’s been here all day. You slept through the whole thing. She hasn’t come back out her room yet”

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