Chapter Five

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“It happened when I was 12. He somehow got into the house and found himself in my room”


“Didn’t anybody hear you screaming?”


“He covered my mouth.The only reason he got caught was because I had been sick the whole day and Dad would check on me every few hours. So when Dad came to check on me, he saw him”


“What did he do?”


“I remember he pulled him off and he went flying into the wall. After that I woke up in the hospital because I fainted”


“So he went to prison, right?”


“Yeah, but he only lasted a week before they killed him. Actually, we found out why he chose our house. Turns out he was an employee at the same company Dad works at. Dad was almost like a CEO or something and he had signed some papers to fire some people. This guy was one of them and snapped”


“Were you okay?”


“Not really. He did a lot of damage. At the time, the doctors weren’t sure if later on I could have kids, but when I turned 16 they examined me again. Since my body was in a phase where it was more mature they realized that I can’t get pregnant”


"And because of what happened you became scared of guys"




"Do they still scare you?"


"Not really. I'm more intimidated than anything. That's one thing I know nothing about"


“You seem fine around the guys though”


“Well that’s because I’m not bothered by them. I like them so everything is good”


I fell back against the couch and sighed.


"Y’know.....everyone on Dad's side of the family thinks that I lost my mind. They probably thought I wouldn't notice but over the years they treated me differently"




"I started hanging around Dad's half sister, Danielle"


"What's the problem?"


"They feel like she's a nut job and are kinda embarrassed of her. Honestly she is a little bit messed up but she's a good person and I learned a lot about myself because of her"

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