Chapter Two - Let the predators be hunted

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I roll my shoulders, a grim look forming across my face as I behold the creature before me. It's tail swishes behind it, gnashing it's sharp long teeth. I hold the twin machetes in my hands, waiting for it to move.

"AND THE TENSION! BREATHTAKING!" The speakers shouts, and the roar of the crowd gets louder.

The dinosaur, the allosaurus, roars and snaps at the crowd, before ramming it's head into the thick, plastic walls, trying to get to the people behind it. But this makes them scream louder.

It soon realises, and it turns it attention back to me. Roaring, it charges at me.

I run at it, swinging my machetes wildly, and I drop and slide as it runs over me, snapping at air where I had been. I turn and fluidly push myself up, slicing the tendon on the back of its heel. It roars, collapsing onto the dirt floor, thrashing around wildly, but it can't get up.

I swing my blades in my hands, feeling the dread wash over me as it always does. I walk towards it, seeing the tiredness in its eyes. It's given up, and it knows it's fate. It knows what's coming.

I strike the blade forward, slicing open its neck. It's arteries now open, spray fountains of blood over me. I cringe as the thick, sticky warmth of it covers me, and I hear the crowd erupt into a frenzy.


Killing Machine...

I walk away from the dead corpse, towards the thick, iron doors that open now that it's dead. I head out of the arena, still holding both my blades. A siren sounds as the iron door closes behind me, and the lights flicker on in the lonely cement hall. The sounds of the crowd fade as I walk, down to the weapons room. I place my weapons on the cleaning table, where various other bloody weapons lay.

"I'm impressed" says my Overseer, smiling at me. He's muscled, with a shaved head. His small, dark eyes give me praise, a smile on his face. But it's more of a smirk, happy to see me at my best. "That beast is hard to beat. Others have died at its hand. But you? You killed it in the first five minutes. Impressive."

I peel my jacket off my skin, trying not to let the feel of the blood get to me. "I was lucky."

"You know" he says with a grin. "Hoskins is thinking about selecting you for the special assignment. And I hope he does."

My gut twists inside me. "Sure."

"The H.A.D.D.I. T project is in full swing. But you know as well as I do that everyone in that program is dying. But you've been successful."

I hadn't been given much dinosaur blood. But it had been altered with some other animals of this eras blood. I can't transform, and my healing is normal. But my sense are heightened, and I'm faster and stronger than average men. Which makes me a sort of...success.

"These tournaments keep the people here happy" he says. "And it helps show case your skills. You'll need to learn how to kill dinosaurs for the special assignment."

I sigh. "That's if I get chosen."

"You will."

"I don't know why I need to hunt him down anyway. He hasn't done anything wrong."

The Overseer turns to me, snarling. "RJ23470 betrayed us! Consorted with the enemy! He deserves to be killed."

I feel my rage boil. I turn to my Overseer, trying to hold back anger. "His name is Drake."

The Pain that Shapes me (A Jurassic World Fanfic) Book Two Where stories live. Discover now