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Hello! This is my first story that I have finally publish on wattpad. I just really hope you enjoy it and love it just as much as I did writing it.

By the way I don't really have a good cover soo if anyone knows how to make like a really good one can you pleeeaaasseeee make me one? I would appreciate it sooo much.!

I'll leave you to read along now, hope you like it :)

Scarlett's POV-
Dear Mother,
Today is December 3, 2016 and I am here once again unfortunately, living life not to the fullest. I spend every living day of my life here. In a small corner of my room cuddled up with your blanket. I swear I can still smell your strong scent of mint.

Today is also exactly 4 years since you passed away.. I miss you so much, you helped me on everything and you also bought me everything I ever needed.. Until that terrifying day. I hate thinking about it but I can't help it! It's always on my mind 24/7. Everything is my fault.. Why did you have to leave me?...

"Scarlett!!! Open the door!! Don't make me drop it!! Get your ass up and make some breakfast that I have to get to work now!!" My father yelled from behind my bedroom door. I closed my notebook and headed towards my bed. I lifted the cushion and put my notebook under it quickly.

"If I'm late it'll be your fault!! I've been late way too much and I can get fired!!!" Oh my fucking god I get it ugh.

I then hurried up to go to the kitchen and make my... father his breakfast for work. He was in his room probably barley getting ready for work..

I'm disgusted by my father, every single day it gets worse and worse...


So yeah.. sorry for a short intro but that's it for this chapter or whatever.

I hope you enjoyed it and read further into the story, thank you loves!

Please Vote or Follow, thank you darlings, once again :)

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