Chapter 3.

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Hey there again darlings ;)
This is yet another unedited chapter. Yeah sorry my lazy ass is just too lazy to edit this. Well I'll leave ya now, hope you enjoy!!

S C A R L E T T's POV:

Oh my god I slept like a baby last night! That was legit the most sleep I've ever had since my mother passed away...

But my life is about to completely change, in a way.. So for today, my routine will be to eat, go exercise, and look for a job then eat again- what's the point of doing exercise if I'm still gonna eat all the time? I am so unhealthy. Ugh I'm too lazy to do all that, minus the eating part of course.

I get out of bed, stretch my arms out and go to my luggage that's on a small sofa. I unzip a small pocket and grab my journal and a small pen and start writing in it...

Dear mother,
I finally escaped from that guy called my.. Father. I miss the old him, he isn't like before where he would drive me to school and tell me to be good at school and also.. I love you. But he doesn't do that anymore, since you left us here alone in this hideous world. Now he just started abusing me and taking all his anger out at me. I know why though, because its my fault that you are gone and will never come back...

By the end of what I was writing, a tear fell down onto the thin paper. I didn't realize I was crying.. ugh I just really miss her so much...

I should just stop crying all the time. It won't take the pain away.

Well today is a new day and I have to do some work. I wipe the last tears away and close the journal and put it back into the pocket of my luggage. I grab the shirt I bought at Forever21 that says "FUCK OFF" in big thick black letters on the white T-shirt. I then grab some black joggers and start putting my outfit on. And its already...

7:45 AM

Okay well just fifteen more minutes until breakfast starts down in the lobby. Oooo the lobby is it just me or does that sound really... fancy?..  The lobby- wow that reminds me of The Suit Life Of Zack & Cody!!! I am way too childish.

I grab my black sneakers and put them on my feet...

Nooo really? I thought you put them on your hands!!-- no shit you put them on your feet dumbass.

I mean I know I'm weird but now I know I'm on another level of weirdness as you can tell.

I start to head to the lobby for breakfast and I start thinking about where I can find a job. Wait I don't even have an electronic, oh great I have to buy one of those too ugh.

Well I can just go to a library for now or get a newspaper to find a job right? I hope it's not too hard to find one...

I press the elevator button pointing down and the door opens relieving a cute guy looking down at his feet. He's got a hoodie on and some dark sunglasses so I can't really tell how he looks but he seems hot.

"Oh hey there" he says, giving me a warm smile, "hello" I say back as he smiles one last time and walks out. Oh my mother of holy Jesus he talked to me!! No guy has ever been nice to me :) well except that guy that stares at me at school... oh I forgot about school.

Should I still keep going even though I get bullied every day of my life??? Well I do want an education and become a great singer...

Yep I love singing, when I was younger I used to always sing to my mom and my dad and they would be my audience. They loved it when I sang to them, everything was so nice... I wish it could be like before now.

But yeah, I will keep on going to school even though everyone bullies me and hates me. I will not let them bring me down even more than they already have. Just watch, I'm gonna be at the top while they'll be down doing nothing with their miserable lives.

So I had stepped into the elevator and now I am out and in the lobby where they are serving some food. God it smells so good I could faint from all the food in here. But that would be bad because then I wouldn't be able to eat anything. I head towards the buffet thingy and grab a plate from the counter. Wow there is a lot of food I can't decide on what to get.

I end up getting some pancakes and two sausages with a hot chocolate and sit at a table in a corner.

Always the corner. The corner is where you feel safe, no one bothers you...

Sorry that was weird.

I start eating my food and enjoying it when all of a sudden my... father comes in!? Ohhh shit...
Oh shit...

I keep repeating that while I ran-sorta - into the buffet that was like two feet away from me as fast as I could so he wouldn't see me. I can still see and hear him though because there aren't any doors.

"Do you guys know if there's a girl called Scarlette Evans as a guest here?" Ohhhh god no no no please don't say anything lady!? By this point I'm hugging my knees with my head inbetween them and my eyes shut. I am scared right now as you can tell obviously.

"Um.. we aren't aloud to share the guests information," thank god... -"sorry sir " I feel so relieved right now like you don't even kn- "bloody hell would you just tell me!!! She's my daughter!!"

"Sir, if you could just ple-"

"No! I'm not 'calming down' until you tell me where my daughter is at you idiot!!!" Wow.. he just called her an idiot..

Haha oh my god this is actually really funny, I can't believe this is happening. "Please calm down or I will have to call the cops!"

Oh fuck no. I hate the cops, I obviously need to find a way to get the hell out of here like noooww I should've done that before though... oh well it is what it is.

Hmm I should get a tattoo that says that, I like the idea now- okay now is not the time to talk about which tattoos I would like to get in the future, the fuck Scarlette?

So the security guards end up coming out and taking him outside and now he is prohibited from coming in at this hotel again. I guess that's good news though, I wonder how he new I was here... I think he though 'oh she couldn't have gone too far lets check the closest hotel'.

I'm just going to finish my plate of delicious food and not let it go to waste.

This is gonna be a busyyy day.

Well that's it for this chapter and it was weird I'm sorry but just you wait...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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