Chapter 2.

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That's the hot guy that isn't rude to Scarlette in school ^^ lol
If you don't think he's hot well at leAST HES CUTE.


All of the chapters will be unedited because... I'm a lazy loser who only eats, sleeps and reads fanfics. (I need a life... Wait that is my life..)
Also summer is almost over so that sUCKS.

Okay I'll let you read now, not that any of you were even reading this, who even reads author notes?
Pssshhh I don't .

S C A R L E T T  ' S  POV:
So I ended up finishing packing since I don't really have clothes as I had said before. I go to my father's bedroom and walk towards his closet, I open it and grab a small can of idk what and find the money I knew was their. This is my father's money and my mother's.. But now I'm gonna take it. That asshole doesn't deserve it, I do.

Well now it's four twenty and my father is almost out to head to the bar again. Wait...  What was that? I think I heard the door open.. It can't be my father since he always arrives at midnight... What if it's a robber? I am so curious but I ain't gonna go check, and say, "Hello? Anyone down there?"

Yeah like they'll answer your dumb ass... This is why I hate most movies. It stresses me out.

"Scarlette!... you here?!"

Who the fuck is that?! That is certainly not my father. This guys voice sounds really young. Well I am obviously not saying "yes, who are you?" I rather get the hell out of here.

I mean if I die I'll die happily leaving this horrendous world behind, but hell no I'm too young to die and I want to go visit the beach before I die. Believe it or not, I've never been to the beach. My mom used to love the beach and she would go surfing all the time when she was younger.

Okay moving on- that was totally random - I am going to escape from the window. Oh shit I hear footsteps.

I quickly grab my small luggage, open the window carefully and get the fuck out of that house. Shit I gotta close it. I go back fast- since I had already headed out more further-  and close the window. I run as far away as possible from the house so whoever that was didn't see or tries to find me. I didn't even run that far away since I'm a lazy fatass haha I mean running can kill me. But I guess its good for you...

Shit I didn't plan where I would go. Ugh I'm so stupid! Why god? Why do I have to be like this? Bloody hell! ( my father always uses that word so now I use it too, I like it lol)  Oh wait I got money and I can go to a hotel!


Shut the fuck up at least I thought of an idea. Oh wait we're the same person, I am a dumbass. I'm legit just talking to myself on the street. I look like a retard..., well instead of just cussing myself out, I'll start walking to a hotel close by.

*One eternity later* (a/n READ IT THE WAY THE GUY FROM SPONGEBOB DOES HAHAHA- okay sorry I'm goooone now)

Well it took me long enough to get here, I thought there were hotels close by :( turns out they were far as hell and I had to walk a lot, I probably lost five pounds. Damn... I'm So proud of myself :')

Okay well now I have arrived at the hotel and it seems really elegant, I hope I can afford it. I walk towards the counter where there was a lady on the computer.

"Hello, are there any open bedrooms?" I ask her, setting my luggage on the floor. "Hello there, and yes there is, there is one king bedroom left and also a prince bedroom with two small beds" she seems sweet :) (a/n guys I don't know a thing about hotels or the rooms or how much it would cost so I'm sorry if everything I said is wrong, just roll with it, okay I'll let you read now..)

"How much would the king bedroom cost if I stayed for a week?..."

"That would be... seventy bucks" oh well I do have five hundred bucks with me... Damn, I think I'll take it.

After I gave her some of my information or whatever she gave me my keys and told me what time breakfast would start and I grabbed my luggage and I headed to the elevator. The doors open and I press the number three.

I hate elevators...

So now I'm in the third floor and I need to look for number 354... I start walking down the hallway and check the numbers as I go..





Aaanndddd finally


I thought it would be hard and take long to find my room but it was actually really easy. I unlock the door and step inside the room and close the door behind me. When I entered the room I felt like a rich kid!!! Dang this room is siiiiiiick.

Okay well I gotta unpack first. I started to unpack and started to get hungry also... Don't judge me I haven't eaten in a long period of years yep I said years not time.

I head to the small kitchen and open the fridge. Oh great there is nothing inside.

What the hell did you expect? To have agua de horchata and tacos de lengua inside just waiting for you to eat them???


Yes I did.

Ugh now I gotta order food and it'll take so long. I get a book that has a lot of phone numbers inside of company's and restaurants and start calling Little Caesars.

*orders two boxes of pizza and arrives in 20min* (moving on...)

Now I'm sitting on the bed, eating my life away and watching Disney channel. What in the world is this? Hannah Montana and Zack and Cody, where the fuck are you? I legit haven't watched TV in a really long period of time and I come back to this?! What in the world is 'Bizaardvark'  I am just so done with life. What has happened to the world that even made Disney channel... Not Disney channel anymore? Uggghhh.

I'm so tired... I think I'll just lay down and start looking for a job tomorrow so I can start getting more money so I can survive...


Hey darlings! How'd you like this chap?
Sorry it wasn't really... Interesting and didn't have action but..
It is what it is. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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