Saving Supergirl

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I just wana start off by saying THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS ON THIS BOOK!

Song: Superhero- The Script

"So your clear on the plan?" Alex double checks with Lena.

"For the eight hundered time. Yes i know what im doing."

Alex nods her head, still a bit unsure, and opens the back doors of the black DEO van. Lena walks through the door of the abandon warehouse. Then, silence.

CADMAS Headquaters

They drag Kara down the hall. "Where are you taking me?" She asks them. None of the guards answer her.

They bring her into a large room. In the centre of the room is a table that you would see in a doctors office. Surrounding the table is a punch of trays and turned off monitors.

They practically throw Kara onto the table and strap her arms and legs to it. "What are you doing?" Kara demands.

Again, the guards dont answer her but instead just keep working. When the guards finish their work they step back to reveal a woman in a blue surgical mask. Lilian.

Kara struggles to free herself from the restraints.

She steps foward with an empty needle in her hand. "What are you doing!" Kara says a little louder this time.

"Well," Lilian starts. "Before i kill you, i'd like to find out a few things about you."

Lilian, without hesitating, puts the neettle into Karas arm and extracts that red substance Kara hates o-so much.

"Why do you need my blood."

Lilian keeps working and doesnt answer Kara. Once Lilian has Kara's blood, she sets the blood-filled tube on a tray to her right, thrn picks up a small knife like object from the tray on her left.

"What are you gonna do with that!" Kara yells, struggling even more against the restraints.

"Thr more you move, the more im going to mess up which means im going to have to keep re-doing my work." Lilian explains through her surgical mask.

"That doesnt answer my question!" Kara yells.

Lilian leans down to Karas upper forearm and puts the scapal like object on it. "Lets see how much Supergirl can bleed." Lilian says as she pushes the scalpal down slightly on her skin.

Kara screams in pain as Lilian makes a line down her forearm to just above her elbow.

Lilian does the same thing to Karas other arm, then her work is interupted by a guard walking in. "Ma'am, Lena Luther is here. She says she is ready to join but she has some urgent news first." He says.

Kara lets out a faint 'no' as Lilian puts down her things and takes off her mask. (Which Kara honestly had no clue why she had it on in the first place but whatever).

She walks to the door then turns awrounf. "All guards follow me except for two. If this is an urgent subject, it most likely means we are in danger. And her," she nods over to Kara. "Shes not much of a threat right now."

Lilian leaves the room, followed by about 8 other guards leaving two of them in the front corners of the room.

Kara lets her head fall on the rather uncomfortable table, feel as helpless as ever.

Kara feels like shes going to fall asleep (bc of all dah blood shes losing) when two loud bangs rip through the once silent air.

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