I Just Want To Say

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Song: I'm coming home-Nightcore

*********3 weeks later*******************
Kara sits on her apartment couch. "I will do this. This is happening tonight!" She keeps telling herself over and over again.

The door to her apartment opens. "Oh. Your here." Alex says walking in. "I live here." Kara laughs.

"Why arent you ever at your apartment anyway?" Kara asks standing up from the couch.

"Your is nicer."

Alex puts some stuff in the fridge then joins Lara who is leaning on the island just across from her.

Alex pulls out a donut from the box she had been carrying. Alex takes a bite of the small chcoclate donut before sliding the box over to Lara.

"Donut's? You never eat sugar in the middle of the day. Whats wrong?" Kara asks taking a bite of a mint chocolate donut.

Alex swallows part of her donut before speaking. "Hank kicked me out of the DEO."

"Why?" Kara asks.

"I don't know! He said that i needed to stop working and go get a life!" Alex huffs.

Kara laughs at her. "What!" Alex complains.

"Nothing." Kara laughs. Her smile quickly fades as she remembers what she truly wanted to talk to Alex about.

Karas smile returns as quickly as it faded then turns around to grab a drink. She slides another beer across the table to Alex, then grabs her own drink.

"Something's bothering you, i can tell. Kara, what is it?" Kara hears Alex question as she closes the fridge.

Kara takes an almost-too-loud sigh before turning around. "A few weeks ago, you remeber that whole CADMAS thing right?" Alex nods her head. "So ever since shortly after that.." kara stops herself and makes a new sentace instead of continuing (if you guys get what i mean).

"Alex, i, i think-"

She was inturupted by a knock at her apartment door. Kara tilts her glasses just below her eyes and uses her x-ray vision to see through the wooden door.

"I think you might want to get that." She turns to Alex with a smile.

Alex stands from her spot, leaving her beer which kinda suprises Kara. Alexs opens the door and steps to the side as Maggie carrys in a pizza box. "Dont mind my wrecked clothes, just got off the job." Alex explains closes the door.

"No, no, their cute." Maggie comments setting the pizza onto the table infront of Kara who gives a silent laugh at the cute compliment.

"So why are you here?" Alex asks joining Maggie at the table. "Well, i thought id bring you some food. BUT, i need to talk to you." Maggie says emphasizing the 'but' then turning and pointing at Alex.

"Alone." She adds before Alex nods her head.

"Okay. We can talk privatly." Alex looks over her shoulder at Kara emphasizing 'privatly'. "Out in the hall."

Maggie led the way out the door. Before making her way to the hallway, Alex jogged over to Kara. "No super hearing." She whispered before jogging into the hallway where Maggie waited. "I promised." Kara laughed as Alex reached out to grab the door.

When Alex closed the door, Kara stood from her seat at the small island, then made her way over to the light blue couch in her living room.

Kara let out a much needed sigh before dropping herself onto the couch. She took off her glasses, which were falling off anyway, and thre them onto the coffe table next to her couch.

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