III. Chapter 18 | Part 1 - Stone

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With the news that the vampire threat had passed and moved east, Stone and Aubree went into the city to check it out for themselves.

They met with Hector, Colten, and even the vampire slayers to not only confirm that it was true, but to discuss the next move.

Stone agreed with Hector that he and his lycans should return to their pack. If the vampires moved into their territory, they needed all of their pack members there.

Plus, Dom, Alec, Mari, and Dane would be arriving later the next day. If they needed help, Dom had already offered theirs if it was needed.

The vampire slayers had a fourth member in their group and assured Stone that they could handle the downtown core from then on.

"We'll give you a call if we need your help. Otherwise, we got this," Davis said.

Stone gave him a curt nod.

The alliance members eyed Aubree in silent curiosity but were otherwise polite and business-focused.

"With the Goddess' blessings with us, we will need no further meetings until our annual Winter Solstice gatherings," Colten said.

Stone nodded. "I am already counting my blessings."

They parted and Stone and Aubree had an early dinner at a barbecue steakhouse. Stone ordered nearly everything on the menu because he couldn't decide between the full-rack of ribs, the ten-pound monster steak, and the multiple flavors of chicken wings. The waiter was more than happy to fill such a large order—no doubt looking forward to a huge tip—and was happy to pack everything up at the end for them to take back home to the pack.

Everyone was ecstatic with the assortment of food when they woke up for the nightly hunt, but there wasn't enough to go around. There were fierce growls and snarls, curled lips exposing teeth, and claws extending as hands grabbed the food.

Aubree stood back, her eyes round as saucers at the animalistic behavior taking place before her on the plastic patio table.

[It's not every day I bring home seasoned meat,] Stone whispered into her mind as Alistair grabbed Gunner by the shirt, exposing his canines and asserting his dominance over the older male.

[You don't say?]

Gently, he turned Aubree away as Gunner shoved Alistair off him and flipped the table over, sending the food flying across the lawn.

Alistair, Gavin, and Gunner all lunged for it, shifting into their beasts in one quick movement as they bound after the meat.

It was going to get ugly now, he knew, as he guided her into the kitchen. She didn't have to see that yet. When she was physically stronger and more capable of holding her own ground, he'd let her in on the kill. For now, it was perhaps too much for her to handle.

They went into the living room and sat down on the couch opposite the one Lance and Gwen were sitting on and sharing the chicken wings they brought home.

Both of them growled in warning at Stone and Aubree before shaking their heads free of it.

"Sorry," they said in unison.

They turned to each other and pointed, "Jinx!" before laughing and throwing chicken bones at each other.

"If you don't want those, I know someone who—" Stone started to say, but Lance was quick to interrupt him.

"No, no, Alpha. I'll take care of those. I'm saving them for last after my mate has her fill of the meat."

Gwen smiled shyly at him, a chicken bone between her teeth as her canines slipped down a bit. "What if I want some?"

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