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You may or may not have seen these tweets. And you may or may not have been confused by them. Hence, I will be explaining to you what they mean and how they link to my Zerkstar theory for today. Enjoy!

Now this is actually very recent

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Now this is actually very recent. In fact just 35 minutes after I decided to make a little theory, or rather, just something Zerkstar fans should take note of. Let me just say, I love their kinda lowkey and subtleness in their relationship, which honestly just makes each precious moment of their ship so memorable and fangirl-worthy (in my humble opinion, of course). They never fail to slip from my vision I guess 😂

Okay so I'm gonna tell you why this is a subtle yet kinda lovable moment of Zerkstar. First of all, they're in Paris. Secondly, in the context of the tweets, they have matching sentences based on the languages used and the funny style in the choice of flags used.

Now obviously they had decided to do this together (cute af, am I right?) and I'm gonna tell you how they are so matching and why.

1. The "hello" in their tweets are in a non-English language, and are instead in Asia-region languages. Though they did use different languages. Josh used the Chinese language whereas Vik used the Japanese language. They didn't just decide to do any random language from whichever part of the world, no. They decided to use region-specific languages, yet it was subtle enough to the point that they decided to use different languages (cos that would obviously be more towards "copying" each other rather than "matching" each other). Therefore, you can see that they had indeed tried to match each other.

2. They decided to not use the France flag, which is where they are and instead, used (North) America region specific country flags - Vik using the Canada flag and Josh using the U.S.A flag. Notice how once more, they match according to the SAME CONTINENTS but use DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. This is so that they are matching but not copying each other. (See the beautiful ingenious subtleness in their relationship yet??)

3. Also note that they posted their tweets at the same time (or at least within the same minute). Obviously, they had this planned and it was NO coincidence.

Anyways, you might be wondering... "so what if they're matching? It's probably for the bants."

Well you may be right on that but the thing is, the idea of being matching has been a common trend for couples to do. It sounds so bromance that 2 good guy friends would try to imitate a common couple trend, am I right? Haha and if you see their thread of conversations, you might be a little confused? So was I, until I thought of this theory that they're trying to match each other. Let me explain.

Even though Josh himself used a "wrong flag", I think Vik knows Josh is teasing him cos obviously he did the same thing and used a "wrong flag"

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Even though Josh himself used a "wrong flag", I think Vik knows Josh is teasing him cos obviously he did the same thing and used a "wrong flag". It may make people think that Josh is trying to be funny or even that he's a hypocrite, but this is not the case. It just highlights that they did this together on purpose to make people feel confused, but are secretly trying to let people know they're matching.

Vik explains why he does so (and probably the root of their insider joke) by using the fishing emoji. Now I interpret it as he's using clickBAIT, which is known to essentially confuse people and make their understanding of the context to not match up to the actual content once clicked on.

Finally the last tweet emphasises that their tweets are an insider joke shared between them and perhaps other friends because "96%" of people, which is majority of their following, don't get why they tweeted in that sort of way. It also shows the fans' clear confusion cos Josh is good at Geography and wouldn't be making those silly mistakes for nothing, right? Both Josh and Vik are intelligent people (at least sometimes and for sure during their time at school), so of course they didn't make those mistakes with no intention. It brings me back to my first point that while they're confusing the 96% population of their Twitter following, the remaining 4% knows what's up - they're just trying to be all cute and matching. ;)

Hopefully the whole explanation made sense to you and really showed you the intellectual, subtle & humorous dynamic of Zerkstar. I believe this is what contributes to making me love their friendship so much (or for us Zerkstar shippers, their relationship).

By and large, that marks the end of my Zerkstar theory for today! Thank you so much for the great support and love, I really appreciate it and I would love it if you could share your thoughts in the comments' section below. I may or may not do a double update when this series hits 100 reads and 10 votes, so do share it with your like-minded friends and shippers of the sidemen! I also may be doing a big explanation on why I think Ksimon is actually real! Till then, I'll see you in a bit. Peace xx

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