Cyborg People, Part Five

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Disappointment doesn't even describe how I felt after we simply strolled past the front gate of The Forum Warehouse. Conflicted would probably be the closest word I could use. The guard at the reception merely nodded to our group in acknowledgement, and the lack of metal detectors in a city where half the population had pieces of metal in their bodies meant that guns got through security checkpoints without much difficulties.

"Disappointed?" Jason asked, as if he could read my mind.

I replied, "Hardly."

I stood at the head of the group with Jason, while our rear flanks were watched by his two men, with John, Amelia, and Lindsey trapped in the middle. Though their limbs were free, the three were still hostages to the situation.

Amelia voiced out in a hushed whisper, "I can't believe you are doing this."

I did not need to turn back to know that was directed at me. I continued walking, ignoring her discontent.

She continued, this time to Jason, "What makes you think we won't just suicide charge you once we get the chance?"

"I'm sure you will do just that, Miss Smith," the Colonel replied. "But despite your foul mouth and questionable attitude, you're not stupid. Or are you?"

John asked, "What are you getting at?"

"You can try to attack now, but failure would mean no one left in the city would be able to stop us. I'm assuming you would wait until the most opportune moment to do so with the least chance of failure," he explained calmly as we entered one of the large elevator platform. The door closed behind us. "But as long as I do not give you such an opportunity..." He pulled out his gun for a glimpse and his men did the same, hiding the firearms in the larger pockets of their coats, though with their fingers still on the trigger. "There's absolutely nothing you can do."

I glanced back to see the siblings exchange defeated looks. Though Lindsey, who had opted to remain silent through the walk, gave me a slight nod.

We reached the 13th floor and an announcer over the speaker noted that we had reached the "Armoury." We exited the giant elevator in a file. The level was just as what one would assume a warehouse to look like. A wide corridor stretched in front of us, before cutting a sharp right at the final shutter of the row. The ceiling was nearly 10 meters high, and each storage room was marked by large, red numbers painted on 5 meters high shutters.

"Storage nine," I said, and Jason led the way.

Realizing no one was in the building - or at the very least on the same level - with us, Jason's men fully drew their guns and pushed them into Lindsey and Amelia's back, guiding them forward like a pirate would to someone walking the plank.

Our footsteps reverberated loudly through the empty halls and even the sound of Amelia's grinding teeth was audible. We stopped before gate 9. A smaller, human sized door served as an entrance beside the giant shutter. Embedded in the wall next to the door was a hand scanner.

Jason gestured to it with his gun. "Go on," he egged me on.

Though I did not liked being ordered around, I could only give him a solid, angry stare. I stepped up to the machine and, though unsure of what would happen, placed my flesh and blood palm onto the scanner. A soft green glow flashed beneath my hand, followed by a click as the door unlocked.

A wicked smile was drawn across Jason's face as he heard the door opened. With my free hand, I gently pushed open the barrier that guarded the storage space.

I demanded, "Here you go. I've done what you asked. Now let them go."

The Colonel simply stared stoically at me before walking into the now opened room. I could hear his footsteps echo from within, along with the rare clunk and rasping of metal and wood. It seemed he was examining the place.

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