Let's not forget your uniform

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This story wouldn't be as coherent as it is without the great help of: hehaihohum (from Tumblr). The best proofreader ever. Forever grateful for all she has done for me since a long time ago.

And this wouldn't have released faster without the great help of: Bloodstained Fantasy (from Fanfiction) Thank you for your opinion, suggestions, the thoughtful corrections, the added details and the really long reviews. Incredible.


Tsuna sometimes wished he could just pass out forever. The moment he woke up -yes, he did faint- he found himself somewhere else. Millefiore's base, to be exact. How did he know? Who else's bed could be so exaggeratedly soft and white, dangerously similar to a gigantic marshmallow? If that wasn't convincing enough, it was covered with snacks, ice cream bowls and, not to mention bags of marshmallows.

"You woke up, No-Good Tsuna."

Tsuna slowly lifted his head. 'Please tell me Reborn isn't here and I'm just hallucinating'. No, it was him, alright. He was wearing his usual black suit and fedora hat. After the Arcobaleno curse had broken, he was able to leave his permanent infantile form, and now looked like an elementary student. With that said, he imagined a Reborn in a school uniform. Tsuna would never admit how cute that would be.

"Get changed," the tutor smacked him hard with the spare clothes in his hands. He had probably read his mind with his psychic whatnot power again.

Tsuna, holding his stinging cheeks, was about to ask him just why when his body started aching. He looked down to see his clothes tattered and stained with dirt and grass. How did this happen? Before a split second had even passed, he already knew what the answer was. After years of enduring the tutor's antics, he was finally able to catch on faster: Reborn dragged him here, from his office to the Millefiore establishment. How nice. No, it would be better to leave things as they were. He didn't want to picture the child holding him any other ways than that. Like maybe instead, princess style or maybe like a sack of potatoes... STOP!

Mumbling to himself, he picked up the clothes from the floor and changed. He looked at his pitiable, torn suit in his hands. That suit had costed a fortune, wouldn't Reborn kill him? ...Something about failing to avoid rocks and trees while being dragged here could be his rational reason-

He stopped in his train of thought, eyes widening in realization as he looked at his new outfit.

"What in the world..."

"Heya, does the uniform fit him?" Byakuran's white flurry head poked through the doorframe. His sudden arrival came as a jolt, and the Millefiore's boss couldn't help but grin in satisfaction, just like a kid whose prank succeeded for the first time.

"Byakuran," Tsuna whirled around to face him, "what am I wearing?" He looked back down at his pure white jacket, designed exactly like the one he had always worn when he was a teenager, except for the change of color and the silver shoulder pads. The clothes seemed so familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He looked at the insignia on it and finally realised,

"Isn't this Millefiore's White Spell Uniform?"

"Tsk, tsk, it's not. What you are wearing now is an improved version designed especially for you, Tsunayoshi-kun! The materials are strengthened and much more flexible so that it won't hinder your movements. Oh, and here's a little gift that comes with it!" Byakuran handed him a white mask, blank with only a purple crown-like mark under the left eye. Tsuna wondered if it was necessary to worry about the clothing being a little too... Millefiore-like. Maybe because the mask showed a certain purple tattoo which belonged to a certain over-cheerful, marshmallow-loving mafia boss.

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